
时间:2024-02-16 12:09:57/人气:183 ℃

英语口语交流到人物题材的时候,很多同学使尽洪荒之力,也只有“big eyes”"long nose""small mouth"来回重复,着实让人着急。闭门是造不出车来的,今天希望通过分享一些英文书中的人物描述,帮大家打开脑洞,丰富关于老人的词汇和表达。



“He was tall,thin,and very old, judging(判断) by the silvery(银白色) of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt(腰带). He was wearing long robes(长袍),a purple cloak(斗篷) which swept the ground and high-heeled, buckled boots. ”


1、My neighbor is tall, thin and very old. People unfamilar to him might feel he is rather severe (严肃的). However,being his neighbor for more than ten years, I can tell you for sure that he is nice and easy-going. I think he is over sixty years old. Unlike most people in their sixties, my neighbor seems caring a lot about his appearings. White shit, black pants and shiny shoes are his favorites.

2、My Grandfather is short, thin and very old, which can be judged by his slightly crooked back(驼背)and grey hair. Most of time ,he wears cotton T-shirts and sneakers, which makes me feel that he is ready for gym at any time.

“His blue eyes were light, bright and sparkling behind half-moon(半月形的) spectables(眼镜) and his nose was very long and crooked(弯折的),as though it has been broken at least twice.”


1、His brown eyes are dark, bright and sparkling behind rectagular(正方形的) spectables(眼镜). His nose is very long and crooked, as though it has been broken twice, which is very rare for an Asian person.

2、His black eyes are round and dark behind square(圆形的) glasses. His nose is long and flat. Lips are the feature which makes his appearance special. They are too thin to be noticed. When he smiles, lips disappear completely from his face.


“Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive (地址),were proud to say that they were perfect normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn't hold with such nonsense.

"Mrs Dursley was thin and blond and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck,which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning(伸长) over garden fences, spying(监视) on the neighbors."


The interesing point of my neighbor is that he does not hold with anything that is unusual. He is the last person that you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or untraddional. Unlike most of men, my neighbor has nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as he spent so much of his time craning over windows, listening to his neighbors' gossips.



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