
时间:2024-01-31 20:55:41/人气:289 ℃

Conversation with Shauna Rolston


By Tim Janof

Having been named "Young Artist to Watch" by Musical America and the youngest recipient of the Pro Musicis International Award, celebrated cellist Shauna Rolston is considered to be one of the most compelling musicians of her generation. She has been praised for the ease and naturalness of her technique, her pure intonation, sheer fearlessness, and her ability to produce a huge tone and to play with great delicacy.



According to Classic CD Magazine "her recording of Elgar's cello concerto is worthy to stand alongside Jacqueline du Pré's classic account. This could be the most remarkable performance of the last 20 years."


Following her formative studies at the renowned Banff Centre, Shauna earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History from Yale University and a Master of Music degree from the Yale School of Music. At Yale, she studied with the distinguished cellist and pedagogue, Aldo Parisot; she also served as his teaching assistant.


Since her New York City Town Hall debut at the age of 16, Shauna continues to perform regularly in major concert venues and festivals around the world. She has collaborated with conductors Krzysztof Penderecki, Mario Bernardi, Bramwell Tovey, William Eddins, Hans Graf, Andrew Davis, JukkaPekka Saraste, Marin Alsop, Pavel Kogan, Andreas Delfs, Keith Lockhart, Kenneth Jean, Uri Meyer, Peter Bay, Sam Wong, George Hansen, Andrey Boreyko, Alexander Rudin and Yoav Talmi, among others.


Gifted prodigy turned masterful innovator, Shauna is an enthusiastic advocate for and performer of the music of our time. She has given the world premiere of an astounding number of worksmany written for her. For example, her CD "This is the Colour of My Dreams" which won Best Classical CD at the 2002 West Coast Music Awards, is dedicated to concerti and concert pieces for cello and orchestra written for her by Heather Schmidt, Christos Hatzis, Chan Ka Nin, and Kelly-Marie Murphy.


A prolific recording artist, her discography includes releases of the Elgar, SaintSaëns and Bliss concerti, and Fauré and Frank sonatas. Both CDs are included on a list of 13 "Cello Recordings to Please Discriminating Audiophiles" (Benjamin Ivry, the audiophile voice). Her latest CD "Shauna and Friends," features arrangements of popular favorites by Claude Kenneson for solo cello and an ensemble of 12 cellists, conducted by Keri-Lynn Wilson.


As a chamber musician, Shauna has performed and recorded with many preeminent artists and ensembles including the Gallois Quintet, and pianist Menahem Pressler. Her most recent artistic partnership is with pianist and composer Heather Schmidt. This collaboration began with critically acclaimed duo recitals at the Winnipeg New Music Festival in 2002, and developed with performances as part of the Governor General of Canada's state delegation visit to Finland and Iceland and a tour of the Maritime Provinces through Debut Atlantic.


Current and upcoming performances include recitals in Ottawa (National Arts Centre), Winnipeg, Vancouver, Victoria, Dallas, Shreveport and Boston (the Harvard Musical Association), as well as two benefit concerts in Grand Cayman and a tour of Quebec (Piano Plus).


Shauna's artistic interests extend beyond solo and concerto performances. Her latest video "A Pairing of Swans" with prima ballerina Evelyn Hart (directed by Veronica Tennant) was premiered at the 2004 International Moving Pictures Festival and was recently nominated for a Gemeni award. Two of Shauna's previous videos "smokin fholes" with Squeezplay, and "Words Fail" with dancer and choreographer, Peggy Baker, are featured regularly on BRAVO.


Future projects include several recordings, a profile interview for BIOGRAPHY, an indepth interview for the Internet Cello Society, and a fulllength film (RedStar films for BRAVO) "Synchronicity" featuring Shauna and Heather Schmidt. She is also featured in "The Great Cellists" by Margaret Campbell and the soon to be released "The Popular Guide to Women in Classical Music" by Anne Gray.


In addition to her busy concert and recording career, Shauna is a passionate and devoted educator. Much in demand as a guest master class instructor, Shauna is also a Professor of Cello and CoHead of the String Department at the University of Toronto and a Visiting Artist for the Music and Sound Programs at The Banff Centre.Shauna Rolston is represented by Michael Dufresne President, Michael Gerard Management Group.


TJ: Your parents are professional musicians.


SR: Yes, my dad is a violinist and my mom is a pianist. This meant that I was completely immersed in music as a child and that music was an essential part of my family experience. I started playing trios with my parents when I was three or four years old.


Your first cello teacher was Claude Kenneson, author of several books, including A Cellist's Guide to the New Approach.


He was my teacher from the age of two to twelve. He's a wonderful cellist, teacher, and author, as well as a prolific arranger. I have a CD coming out in the next few months which features all of his arrangements for solo cello and cello ensemble. I am really excited about this recording.


My parents played in a trio with him when we lived in Edmonton, Canada, so he was also a part of my family. Claude was the perfect teacher for me because he kept the learning process alive by giving me fun exercises and games that were both challenging and educational. He also liberated my curiosity by encouraging me to explore wherever my imagination led me instead of forcing me to stick to a rigid curriculum.


My time with Claude was extremely important because he set the tone for the rest of my life. He taught me to ask questions and to seek my own answers. He also provided an environment in which I felt safe to try out different ways of doing things. He taught me to trust my own learning process.


My family moved to Banff when I was 12 and my parents started the Banff Center, which they eventually developed into an all-year program. There was no regular cello teacher in Banff, so I didn't have formal instruction from age 12 to 18 or 19. Instead, I played for various musicians who came through the residency program. This meant that my influences in my teen years had less to do with the cello, specifically.


Instead, I enjoyed more of a general musical education, and I played lots of chamber music and collaborated with several composers. In the summertime, cellists would come for several weeks and I was very fortunate to work with great cellists such as Pierre Fournier, William Pleeth, Janos Starker, Aldo Parisot, Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, and Zara Nelsova. Because I didn't have a long term teacher, I felt free to experiment with various ideas from these great cellists.


I worked with Janos Starker and Aldo Parisot on a regular basis in the summertime from when I was 11 or 12. I worked with Zara Nelsova quite a bit too. Zoltan Szekely had a residency in Banff, so the Hungarian Quartet came often, which meant that I also worked with Gabriel Magyar.


Magyar was very systematic in his approach to the fingerboard and he used fingerings that are typically used by violinists, like using lots of extended positions and using the fourth finger in the higher positions. He took me beyond traditional cello technique.


I remember thinking while Magyar was showing me how to use the fourth finger up high, "Why can't I use my fourth finger in thumb position? Who created that rule?" We tend to get stuck in Cello Land, where there are things that cellists aren't supposed to do.


Instead, we should approach the cello with the notion that we can do anything, or at least try anything! Because of my non-traditional training, it was perfectly normal for me to experiment. I don't mean in a reckless way, where one ignores the score, but more in terms of doing whatever it takes to communicate through the instrument. There's another world of technique that goes beyond the traditional system that is so personal and gratifying.



Would you say that Starker and Parisot have similar approaches to technique.


Absolutely. They both emphasize fluidity, timing, balance, resistance, speed of gesture, and breathing. They have very different temperaments, of course, but they're both very analytical. I've had very focused technical discussions with both of them and they are of a like mind in terms of how one should play the cello.


What is the Banff program about?


My dad started it as a summer festival in the 1960's. I believe it was 1979 when my parents developed it into a year-round program, called "Music and Sound," which is still its focus. It's hugely successful and musicians from all over the world come for weeks or months to work on specific projects. In addition to visiting artists, it has a fairly intimate group of fifty or sixty musicians, as well as artists from other disciplines. Just imagine the daily inspiration I had while growing up in such an environment!


My childhood was pretty amazing. My dad likes to say that when I turned left, I had my Banff high school experience, where I enjoyed the idyllic Banff mountain life of skiing, hiking, and friends. When I turned right, my life was about the Arts and the Banff Center.


Your bio mentions that you were considered a child prodigy.


That term was applied to me early on, which opened a lot of doors. The media took notice of me and I did a number of television appearances. My parents were never pushy, however, and there was never any discussion about how to engineer my career. I played purely for the love of music and the love of performing. I never felt that I would be some sort of failure if I ended up doing something else.


I was very fortunate to have such a healthy upbringing. I don't care for the word, "prodigy," actually. As many now understand, the term doesn't always have a positive connotation, since prodigies are often carted around like circus acts and many miss out on their childhoods. That label takes its toll on those who carry it.


Performing was a purely joyous experience for me until I was known as a prodigy. I remember my frustration as a young performer hearing at age 10, "Wow, she's great for 10. We can't wait until she's 15!" Then when I was 15, I'd hear, "Wow, she's great for 15. Just imagine what she'll do when she's 20!"


I remember giving an interview when I was 14 for a national newspaper in Canada, saying in frustration, "I know what I know now. This is who I am right now. This is what I feel. Never mind what's going to happen next week!" It was such a frustrating time because everybody was always comparing me to a future me.


Then when the socalled prodigy reaches adulthood, people see him or her differently. Suddenly, he or she isn't as fascinating or as much of a curiosity. "If only she were 25 again." Then everybody shifts their attention to the next up and coming prodigy and the former prodigy has to fend for him or herself.


When someone is very young and is doing something with a certain level of discipline and achievement, and with feeling and power, it's hard to accept the child for what they are in the moment. It's too easy to project on the child the hope that he or she will be the next Zara Nelsova or Pablo Casals. Kids want to be appreciated for who they are, not who they might be someday.





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