
时间:2024-02-23 11:07:40/人气:263 ℃

The line chart illustrates the amount of international visitors travelling to UK according to three different categories from 1989 to 2009. Among them, those came for vacation accounted the most.

To start with, the number of people coming to UK for tourism purpose remained above the other two groups. It started from roughly 6.5 million, then rose slightly to 7 million during the next 5 years, followed by a sharp increase before reaching the peak of approximately 9.5 million in 1999. After that, this figure kept declining for another 5 years to about 7.6 million and rebounded back to 9 million as of 2009.

Regarding individuals who had business trips, the number of them began at 5.5 million, and then dropped dramatically to a bottom at 4 million till 1993. Subsequently, it reversed its downward trend by growing moderately for 7 consecutive years, fluctuated for a few year, continued escalating to its maximum at 8 million in 2007, and finally ended at 7 million. As for those visiting their relatives and friends, the number was consistently the smallest out of the three categories, which hiked constantly from 3.5 to 6.8 million between 1989 and 2003 and kept decreasing ever since, arriving at slightly above 6 million in 2009.

In conclusion, throughout the given period, number of people coming for holiday was the largest, while that of whom coming for family visit was the smallest.


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