
时间:2024-04-15 18:05:21/人气:465 ℃

11. Languor

Another beautiful word with a not-so-beautiful definition, languor refers to lethargy or weakness in body and mind. You might experience this phenomenon when you've been working too many hours and are starting to hit burnout. All that means is it's time to use that PTO!

languor, n. (literary) 倦怠;懒洋洋;慵懒

languor, 另一个在含义上不那么美的“漂亮”词,是指身心疲惫或虚弱。当你工作了太多小时,开始感到精疲力竭时,你可能会经历这种现象。这意味着是时候使用你的动力系统了!

12. Love

There's way more than one definition for this feeling, action, phenomenon (etc). But we can all agree that the word love is as beautiful as everything it describes.

Love , n. 爱;热爱;慈爱;爱情;恋爱;喜好;喜爱.。 v. 爱;热爱;喜欢;喜爱;很喜欢;很愿意


13. Solitude

If you're an extrovert, then solitude may not be ideal. But if you're an introvert, you'll probably enjoy and seek out solitude, or the act of being alone and away from society.

Solitude n. 独处;独居



While there are several meanings of this word, most people associate an epiphany with a life-changing realization. You'll find examples of these in your favorite books and movies, such as the classic scene in Clueless when Cher realizes she's "majorly, totally, butt-crazy in love" with her stepbrother Josh.

Epiphany (1)N-UNCOUNT (基督教1月6日为纪念贤士朝拜基督的)主显节,显现节 ;(2)N-COUNT 顿悟;突然明白


15. Quintessential

Have you ever met someone who embodies all of the characteristics of the city they're from or the career path they've chosen? Then you might have come across someone who is perfectly typical, otherwise known as quintessential. Snacking on strawberries and cream while sipping a Pimm's Cup at Wimbledon? That's so quintessentially British!

Quintessential,adj. 典范的;典型的;本质的;精髓的。n. 精英人士


16. Plethora

This word has two definitions—one beautiful and one not so beautiful. While plethora is most commonly associated with having an abundance of something (close your eyes and picture a plethora of disposable income!), it's also a medical word that's used to describe increased blood in a specific area.

17.Plethora, adj.过剩;过多;【医学】多血质;多血;过量


18. Nemesis

As beautifully as this word rolls off of the tongue, it is associated with a rival or arch-enemy and can be used to describe inflicting an act of vengeance. That friend-of-a-friend who grinds your gears every time he comes to Friday night drinks? He might be your nemesis.

Nemesis,n. 报应;应得的惩罚;不可避免的失败,复仇女神



One syllable and full of grace, the word lithe is used to characterize flexibility and a slim figure. For example, you may have noticed the lithe ballerinas when you attended a performance of The Nutcracker at Christmastime.

Lithe, adj. 人或人体) 优美柔软的;易弯曲的,柔韧性好的

一个音节,充满优雅,单词 lithe 用来表示灵活性和苗条的身材。例如,当你在圣诞节参加胡桃夹子的表演时,你可能注意到了轻盈的芭蕾舞演员。( You may have noticed the lithe ballerinas when you attended a performance of The Nutcracker at Christmastime.)

19. Tranquility

Hopefully, you'll achieve a state of tranquility on your next beach vacation. This is just another word for being free from agitation of mind or spirit.

Tranquility, n.宁静致远;平和;平靜;镇静;宁静


20. Elegance

Another word that sounds exactly the way it's defined, elegance is a quality of style and grace.

Elegance, n.优美,高雅,典雅,优雅,雅致



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