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时间:2024-03-19 23:31:18/人气:244 ℃



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on November 15, 2022

总台央视记者:一段时间以来,粮食安全成为国际社会关注的焦点。我们注意到,几天前,“杂交水稻援外与世界粮食安全”国际论坛在北京举行。请问发言人,在当前全球粮食安全形势日益严峻的背景下,此次论坛向外界释放出什么样的信号?中方采取了哪些措施维护全球粮食安全? CCTV: For some time, food security has been a focus of the international community. We have noted that the International Forum on Hybrid Rice Assistance and Global Food Security was held in Beijing a few days ago. What message has the forum sent to the world as global food security is facing increasing challenges? What measures has China taken to protect global food security?

毛宁:11月12日,“杂交水稻援外与世界粮食安全”国际论坛在北京成功举行。*********主席发表书面致辞,国务委员兼外长王毅出席论坛。*********主席在致辞中指出,半个世纪前,杂交水稻在中国率先成功研发并大面积推广,助力中国用不足全球9%的耕地,解决世界近五分之一人口的吃饭问题。杂交水稻远播五大洲近70个国家,为各国粮食增产和农业发展作出突出贡献,为解决发展中国家粮食短缺问题提供了中国方案。 Mao Ning: On November 12, the International Forum on Hybrid Rice Assistance and Global Food Security was successfully held in Beijing. President Xi Jinping sent written remarks, and State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the forum. President Xi noted in his remarks that half a century ago, hybrid rice was first successfully developed and planted widely in China. Thanks to this technology, China has managed to feed nearly one-fifth of the world’s population with less than 9 percent of the world’s arable land. Over the years, hybrid rice has been introduced to the world, benefiting nearly 70 countries across five continents. This has been a remarkable contribution to their grain output increase and agricultural development, and offered a Chinese solution to food shortages in developing countries.

中国高度关注全球粮食安全问题。*********主席提出全球发展倡议,将粮食安全作为八大重点合作领域之一。中方在二十国集团框架下提出国际粮食安全合作倡议,就建立大宗商品合作伙伴关系、维护全球粮食安全提出八方面建议。在刚刚结束的第25次中国—东盟领导人会议上,各方一致通过《中国—东盟粮食安全合作的联合声明》,就粮食供给、获取、利用和稳定性加强合作达成重要共识。 China attaches great importance to global food security. In the Global Development Initiative put forward by President Xi Jinping, food security is one of the eight major areas of cooperation. China has put forth a cooperation initiative on global food security under the G20 framework, and put forward China’s suggestions in eight areas on establishing partnerships on commodities and on safeguarding global food security. At the 25th China-ASEAN Summit that just concluded, the parties unanimously adopted the China-ASEAN Joint Statement on Food Security Cooperation, in which the parties reached important common understandings on strengthening cooperation on food availability, access, utilization and stability.

粮食安全是事关人类生存的根本性问题。中方愿继续同世界各国一道,坚持命运与共、和衷共济,推进全球发展倡议,加强粮食安全和减贫领域合作,为加快落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程、建设没有饥饿贫困的世界作出更大贡献。 Food security is a fundamental and existential issue. China is ready to continue to work with the rest of the world, stay committed to a shared future of the human community, advance the Global Development Initiative, and strengthen cooperation on food security and poverty reduction, so as to make greater contributions to accelerating the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and building a world free from hunger and poverty.


CCTV: We have noted that cooperation between China and Pacific Island countries (PICs) in various areas has made positive progress. For example, China has provided a batch of police vehicles for Solomon Islands and a shipment of fertilizers for Fiji. The ground-breaking ceremony of the Samoa Police Academy, a China-assisted project, was held. Can you share more information?

毛宁:当前,太平洋岛国普遍面临疫后经济复苏、改善民生等任务,亟需国际社会加大关注和投入。中国始终是真心实意帮助岛国的行动派。你提到中方实施的援助所罗门群岛******车辆、援助斐济化肥、援助萨摩亚警察学院等项目,都是着眼有关国家的迫切需求,旨在提升岛国推动经济发展、维护自身安全的能力。除上述项目外,中方近期还安排了所罗门群岛警察在福建进行警务技能研修,首批太平洋岛国外交官正在中国参加培训。这些合作都是中国在南太地区推动构建人类命运共同体的具体体现。中方将继续秉持相互尊重、平等相待、互利合作、共同发展的原则,推动同岛国全面战略伙伴关系持续向前发展,打造更加紧密的中国和太平洋岛国命运共同体,造福双方人民。 Mao Ning: The Pacific Island countries (PICs) are now working to achieve post-COVID economic recovery and make their people’s lives better, which requires more attention and input from the international community. China has been taking concrete actions to help the PICs with utmost sincerity. The projects you just mentioned, including police vehicles to Solomon Islands, fertilizers to Fiji and the police academy in Samoa, are all carried out in light of the countries’ urgent needs and aimed at improving the PICs’ capability of boosting economic development and defending their own safety. Apart from the projects, China also facilitated the skills training of the police from Solomon Islands in Fujian. And the first group of diplomats from PICs are now attending a training program in China. Such cooperation exemplifies China’s efforts in building a human community with a shared future in the South Pacific. China will continue to uphold the principles of mutual respect, equal treatment, mutually beneficial cooperation and common development, promote sustained development of our comprehensive strategic partnership, build an even closer community with a shared future for China and Pacific Island countries, and deliver benefits to the two peoples.

韩联社记者:中方对今天举行的韩中两国元首会晤有何期待? Yonhap News Agency: Could you share with us China’s expectation for the meeting between the Chinese and ROK Presidents today?


Mao Ning: As agreed by China and the ROK, President Xi Jinping and ROK President Yoon Suk-yeol, both in Bali to attend the G20 Summit, will have a bilateral meeting this afternoon local time. This will be the first official meeting between the two heads of state and will bear great significance. The two sides will have an in-depth exchange of views on China-ROK relations and issues of shared interest.


China and the ROK are close neighbors and important cooperation partners. To advance the sound and steady growth of bilateral relations is in the shared interest of both sides. We hope this meeting will produce positive outcomes, and chart the course and provide the impetus for the future growth of China-ROK relations.

韩国文化广播公司记者:美国政府称,在中国无法控制朝鲜的情况下,如果朝鲜不停止武力挑衅,美军将加强在朝鲜半岛周边的军事力量。美方还称,此举不是针对中国,而是针对朝鲜。中方对此持何立场? MBC: The US government said that China can hardly “control” North Korea. And if the DPRK does not stop its military provocations, the US will strengthen its military presence around the Korean Peninsula. It added, the actions the US takes “would not be directed against China” but North Korea. What is China’s stand on this?

毛宁:半岛问题的症结和脉络是很清楚的。我们一贯认为,通过有意义的对话,均衡解决各方合理关切是正确之道。中方将从维护半岛和平稳定大局出发,继续为推动半岛问题的政治解决发挥积极作用。 Mao Ning: The crux and history of the issues of the Peninsula are very clear. It is China’s consistent belief that the right way forward is to resolve the legitimate concerns of all parties in a balanced way through meaningful dialogue. We will bear in mind the larger interest of upholding peace and stability on the Peninsula and continue to play a positive role in promoting the political settlement of the issues of the Peninsula.


Dragon TV: According to Pakistani media, the local court of Pakistan recently made sentences on several suspects that organized and participated in the Dasu terrorist attack on July 14 last year. Certain heads of the group were sentenced to death. What’s China’s comment?

毛宁:我注意到有关报道。巴方高度重视“7·14”达苏恐袭案调查工作,全力查明真相,严惩肇事真凶,中方对此表示赞赏。案犯最终被绳之以法,这是对正义的伸张,是对遇难中国同胞的告慰。中方将继续坚定支持巴方反恐努力,切实保障在巴中国公民、机构和项目的安全。 Mao Ning: I have noted the reports. Pakistan has carried out the investigation of last year’s July 14 terrorist attack in Dasu with utmost seriousness and made every effort to get to the bottom of the case and bring the perpetrators to full justice. This is much appreciated by China. Now that the criminals have been held accountable, we know that justice has prevailed and our fellow compatriots who lost their lives in the attack can now rest in peace. China will remain firmly supportive of Pakistan’s counterterrorism efforts and hope the safety of Chinese nationals, institutions and projects in Pakistan will be duly protected.

中国共产党和政府奉行以人民为中心的执政理念,践行以人民安全为宗旨的总体国家安全观,高度重视海外中国公民、机构和项目安全保护工作,并为此付出巨大努力。我们将进一步加大投入,加强安全风险预警,提升应急处置能力,同有关国家共同努力,坚决维护海外中国公民、机构和项目的安全。 The CPC and the Chinese government follow a people-centered approach to governance. We have applied a holistic approach to national security with the people’s security as our ultimate goal. Protecting the security of overseas Chinese nationals, institutions and projects is of great importance to us, and we have made tremendous efforts in that regard. We will further increase input, improve risk alerts, enhance emergency response capabilities, and work with relevant countries to resolutely protect the security of overseas Chinese nationals, institutions and projects.


Tokyo Shimbun: Yesterday the Japanese government announced that Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will meet with President Xi Jinping on November 17. What’s China’s expectation for the meeting? What will they mainly discuss?

毛宁:我们会及时发布相关消息。 Mao Ning: We will release the information once it becomes available.

印度广播公司记者:据巴基斯坦媒体报道,中巴两国同意为中巴经济走廊中方工作人员提供防弹车,以确保人身安全。发言人对此有何评论? Prasar Bharati: According to Pakistani media reports, it was agreed between China and Pakistan that the Chinese workers working for CPEC projects will be moving in bulletproof cars for the sake of their safety. What’s your comment?

毛宁:我不了解你说的具体情况。我可以告诉你的是,中巴一直保持着密切合作,尽全力维护在巴基斯坦中国公民、机构和项目的安全。 Mao Ning: I am not aware of the specifics you mentioned. I can tell you that China and Pakistan always maintain close cooperation, and the two sides will make every effort to ensure the safety of Chinese citizens, institutions and projects in Pakistan.


Bloomberg: A Hydro-Quebec employee who was working on battery material research has been charged with espionage by the Canadian police for allegedly obtaining trade secrets for China. Does the foreign ministry have any comment on this?

毛宁:我不了解有关情况。加方应依法处理有关个案,不要将其政治化。 Mao Ning: I’m not aware of what you mentioned. The Canadian side needs to handle individual cases in accordance with the law and avoid politicizing them.


Prasar Bharati: According to Pakistani media reports, there is a huge protest going on in the port city of Gwadar for the last 20 days. The protesters threatened to block the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, if their demands are not met within a week. Is the Chinese government in communication with the Pakistani government in this regard as protests are threatening CPEC?

毛宁:有关报道不属实。活动组织者已经公开表示,有关******活动并不针对中方和中巴经济走廊。 Mao Ning: These reports do not reflect the truth. The organizers have stated publicly that the protests are not directed at China or the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

瓜达尔港作为中巴经济走廊龙头项目,始终聚焦发展、惠及民生,中方在推进有关合作过程中始终坚持相互尊重、协商一致原则。无论是瓜达尔港自由区、海水淡化厂、中国援建的职业技术学院、中巴友谊医院、法曲尔小学等,还是中国向瓜达尔民众捐赠太阳能发电设备,都有效促进了当地经济社会发展和民生改善。中方愿同巴方共同推动高质量建设中巴经济走廊,建设好、运营好包括瓜达尔港在内的走廊项目,让合作成果更多更好惠及两国人民。 The Gwadar Port is a flagship project of CPEC with a clear focus on development and benefiting people’s livelihood from the very beginning. The Chinese side has adhered to the principles of mutual respect and consensus-building throughout the cooperation process. The cooperation has effectively boosted local socioeconomic development and improved people’s livelihood, ranging from projects like the Gwadar Free Zone, the desalination plant, the Pak-China Technical and Vocational Institute, the Pak-China Friendship Hospital and the Faqeer primary school to the Chinese-donated solar power generation units. China stands ready to work together with Pakistan in the high-quality development of CPEC. We will build and operate CPEC projects well, including the Gwadar Port. This way, our cooperation will bring even more benefits to the people of both China and Pakistan.

印度广播公司记者:据尼泊尔媒体报道,上周末,中国文旅部副部长率团对尼泊尔进行了为期五天的访问。尽管尼泊尔政府要求中方将此访推迟到11月20日尼泊尔大选结束之后,中方拒绝了相关要求并执意访问。发言人能否进行详细介绍? Prasar Bharati: According to a report from Nepal, Chinese Vice Minister for Culture and Tourism visited Nepal with a delegation for a five-day Nepal visit over the weekend, despite the Nepali government asking the Chinese side to postpone the visit until after the November 20 elections in Nepal. The report said the Chinese side declined the request and proceeded with the visit. Can you share some information about the visit?

毛宁:你提到的这次访问事先经过两国主管部门商定,在双方努力下取得了预期效果,不存在你说的情况。 Mao Ning: This visit you mentioned was agreed upon beforehand by the competent authorities of both countries. With the concerted effort from both sides, this visit has achieved the intended results. What you mentioned is not true.


Follow-up: Actually, this was said by the media reports from Nepal. What kind of results and agreement as you mentioned just now were reached during the visit?

毛宁:这次访问中方已经发布了非常详细的消息稿,你可以查阅。 Mao Ning: The Chinese side has issued a detailed press release about the visit. I would refer you to that.


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