
时间:2024-01-19 04:46:07/人气:287 ℃


1. Hello, are you ready to start your shift? 你好,你准备好开始工作了吗?

2. Good morning, boss. 早上好,老板。

3. How are you today? 你今天怎么样?

4. Please take care of this document. 请保管好这份文件。

5. Could you help me with this project? 你能帮我完成这个项目吗?

6. When will you finish your work? 你什么时候完成工作?

7. Do you need any help? 你需要帮助吗?

8. Are you free now? 你现在有空吗?

9. Let's have a meeting to discuss this issue. 让我们开个会来讨论这个问题。

10. Can you please explain this term to me? 你能给我解释一下这个术语吗?

11. Could you please pass me the file? 请把文件递给我。

12. I'll need some time to think about this. 我想我需要一些时间来考虑这个问题。

13. When is the deadline for this project? 这个项目的截止日期是什么时候?

14. Do you have any questions about this? 你对这个有任何疑问吗?

15. I'll get started on this right away. 我将立即开始处理这个。

16. Could you please check on this for me? 你能帮我检查一下这个吗?

17. Do you have any suggestions for improving our process? 你对我们流程的改进有什么建议吗?

18. When will you be available for a meeting? 你们什么时候方便开会?

19. Could you please provide me with the necessary information? 你能提供给我必要的信息吗?

20. I'll need your help with this project. 我需要你在这个项目上的帮助。

21. Could you please update me on the progress of the project? 你能告诉我项目的最新进展吗?

22. Do you have any specific requirements for this task? 你对这个任务有什么具体要求吗?

23. When will you be able to complete this assignment? 你什么时候能完成这个任务?

24. Do you need any assistance with this? 你需要在这方面的帮助吗?

25. Could you please provide me with the necessary resources? 你能为我提供必要的资源吗?

26. When will you be available for a meeting? 你们什么时候方便开会?

27. Do you have any suggestions for improving our process? 你对我们流程的改进有什么建议吗?

28. Could you please check on this for me? 你能帮我检查一下这个吗?

29. When will you be able to start on this project? 你什么时候能开始这个项目?

30. Do you have any questions about this? 你对这个有任何疑问吗?



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