

人气:329 ℃/2022-02-15 06:17:32



Raised In Rich and Poor Way

In China, most people believe that boys should be raised in the poor way while the girls should be in the rich way. The poor way means to let the kids do things by their own and their parentswon’t be satisfied them all the time. So the rich way means to take care of the kids carefully and pay attention to them. No matter which way the parents carry on, I think it is not thesuitable way to raise a kid. Whether the kid is a boy or a girl, they need to be nursed both in the rich and poor ways. It is the parents’ duty to take care of their kids, so they should bepatient and kind. But when the children make mistakes, parents should not spoiled them. Kids must be educated and corrected their wrong action. Only in this way the kids can be taught well.



Travel Makes Me Stronger

I like to travel very much. I always dream to be independent and travel by my own. But my parents worry about me all the time. They think I will meet problems and can’t solve. In oder tocomfort them, I decide to travel with a friend of mine and they agree. This was the first time for me to leave my home and I had to do all the things on my own. Firstly, I book the ticket andthe hotel, and the big problem is to find the hotel. So I search the Internet and downloaded a software to guide me, then I found my way easily. I read all kinds of information and select thepart that is useful to me. I found the funny places and local food, what’s more, I would not lose my way. Travel makes me stronger.



Appearance and Deligence

Before the Rio Olympic Games came, the media reported some players that caught people’s attention. There is no doubt that these players have beautiful faces, which helps them win theattention. But the more important thing is that they are not only talented, but also work very hard. The chance to take part in the Olympic Games means the players are excellent and they havestood out in their countries. If they win the golden medal in the Olympic Games, they will gain great fame and money around the world. The beautiful face brings players the market potential,which means they will be famous easily, but on the condition that they are the top players. Mariah Sharapova is the best example. She is beautiful and top tennis player all the time. So abilitydecides our position on the society.



The Hot Summer

When July comes, it is the hottest time of the whole summer. Many of my friends have chosen to travel to the cool place, so as to avoid the stuffy air. As for me, I don’t like to travel inthis hot weather. I just want to stay indoors and enjoy the quiet moment. I like to sit near the window, watching outside scenery. Sometimes I will read some books, enjoy the novel and makemyself lost in the fiction world. The things I like to do most is to find a coffee shop and then choose a table that is near the window, so that I can see all the situation. I will bring mycomputer and then play the computer for the whole afternoon. It is what I like to do in the summer. I enjoy it.



Supergirl Has Come Back

About ten year ago, the hottest show Supergirl in China surprised the world, because it was the live show with the most amount of participants around the world. The foreign media gave specialreport for it. Chinese fans were so crazy about their favorite singers. Now more than ten years have passed, only few singers can stand out and make their career well. This show has intriguedmany criticisms and once was stopped. This year, the live show has come back, but the audience only can watch it by the Internet. It still rises many topics only to catch the public’sattention. No one cares what potential singers Supergirl can present, as people only cares the scandal, which brings them great joy. This live show has lost its meaning. It won’t create theamazing time as it did before.



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