

人气:104 ℃/2023-03-23 11:54:12



My hometown is located at the outside of the city. I was born and grew up there. It was a little village with natural scenery of green mountains, a beautiful river and lovely village houses.In the summer, I liked to go to picnic under the mountain and swim in the river. But now my hometown has changes. The mountains were blown down to build the factories, and the river waspolluted by the waste water from those factories. There are no more green mountains but the smoking factories. The water of the river turns black and stinks, I can never swim in it again. Andthe village houses are gone too, the ugly storied houses with walls are instead. They said it is the way urbanizing is. I don’t like the changes of my hometown, it is a polluted hometown.



With the rapid development of the society, many things around our life are changed. Personally speaking, my hometown has changed a lot.


When I was a child, there was only one black and white TV set in our village. And I don’t know what’s computer. I often went to school on foot. What’s more, in summer, we had to use hand-madefans to make our temperature down. If I wanted to connect with the distant friends or relatives, the most convenient way is writing letters, which may lost on the way or take a lot of time toreach the destination.


However, nowadays, there are four color televisons in my home and most people have their own computers. And now cars are seen everywhere. In addition, most houses have airconditioning, whichcan cool the whole house quickly. With the development of cell phone, people can reach each other in a second. They can talk or see each other through cell phone.


As time passes, my hometown has change a lot thanks to the social development. I believe there will be much more changes in the future.



My hometown Gaochun is an old and beautiful city. It used to be quiet place. There were green hills, fresh air and many old houses. However, the area has changed a lot over the years. Nowthere are many new squares, new roads and a lot of tall buildings.


In the past, people could only go to there by bicycle or on foot. Many buses pass there now, people can take the taxi, car, bus, underground or light rail to Gaochun, and it is faster andeasier to get there. The environment has also changed, too. The water is clearer, the tree is greener, and the air is fresher. We are happy to live in the beautiful city.


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