

人气:387 ℃/2022-05-15 05:26:51



1、"Doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners." Did that get your attention? I sure hope so! Begin by startling your audience.

2、"Once upon a time..." Tell a story. Everyone loves a good story, especially if it is one that people don't expect, and one that is told exceptionally well. Begin with a story that isrelated to the topic; don't tell a story just for the sake of it.

3、"Please raise your hand if you..." Get them to participate immediately, The idea is to get the audience moving and doing something very quickly. Your worst enemy is stillness. So get themmoving as often and as early as possible.

4、"Remember the last time you..." Establish contact early. Your goal is to get the audience to think of themselves and to feel something related to your topic. Then, you can build on it. Makesure it is an experience most people have shared.

5、"......................" Silence is golden. Before uttering a single word, wait a few seconds. Stand in silence in front of the audience, for five or ten seconds if you can stand it. Thenstart with a bang.


1、"To speak for your ears, I have overcome fears, To silence your groans, My skills I have honed." Start with a poem or a rhyme. Pick a poem that is short, lively, and related to your themeor your message.

2、Start your speech with a song. Ideally, you want to sing on key. But if you cannot hold a tune, think of it as a great start to a humorous speech!

3、Use an audio entrance. Pre-record the first lines of your speech to set the tone. Take care, though, that your recording sounds professional and not tinny, otherwise you will get a negativeeffect.

4、Blow up a balloon. Or do something equally unexpected. Catch the audience off guard. Make sure nobody is drinking hot liquid when you do this.

5、Perform a magic trick. There are many easy magic tricks you can find online. Take the audience by surprise and make it entertaining from the start.

The two most important parts of a speech are the introduction and the conclusion. The introduction sets the tone for your speech, while the conclusion determines how the audience will feelwhen they leave. Don't set yourself up for failure from the start: drop these awful openings from your repertoire. Instead, replace them with an opening that sets you apart and readies you todeliver a great speech.

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