

人气:467 ℃/2024-06-24 04:06:20



The progress of artificial intelligence. Speed is amazing, the future we will start to work side-by-side with artificial intelligence.

AlphaGo fire, five one hundred million people watching "man-machine war", in the end it depends on the technical advantage of big data and deep learning in a 4-1 winners posture tell people,to artificial

intelligence is no longer just the scene in the movie, but in the real world there is another round of industrial revolution, however, this changes make many people feel scared, at that timeall kinds of artificial intelligence threats to the human voice, according to the British science association entrusted network research firm YouGov, according to a survey of about 36% ofpeople think that the rise of artificial intelligence technology will pose a threat to human long-term survival. People in all

kinds of artificial intelligence can bring big Bob "unemployment" is deeply concerned about the discourse, but also in such a tough AlphaGo will be malicious use worrying on such issues.


Artificial intelligence ai approach, someone worries about

unemployment, some people in the future, someone in exploring business opportunities, also some people on the go. Before discussing these, maybe we should consider the outcome of humanbeings.

One might think about this topic too exaggeration,

The first recall what has happened in the history of mankind incredible things.

Incredible things, the need to please a few through to decide. We please 1 was born in the 0 people born in the year of the han dynasty through 1600 A.D. Ming dynasty, although spans 1600years, but the man may be on the lives of people around you won't feel too exaggerated, just changed a few dynasty, still facing the loess back and busy day. But if please 1 1600 British peoplethrough to 1850 in the UK, see the huge steel monsters on the water ran, this person may directly be frighten urine, this is never imagined that 250 years ago.

If again please 1 1850 through to 1980, I heard that a bomb can flatten a city, this person may be directly scared silly, 130 years ago the Nobel wasn't invented dynamite.

Then please 1 in 1980 people now? This person will be cry?


Can machines really think? The artificial intelligence, such as a computer that thinks like a human being is scary. Is building a machine that thinks like a human really possible? We are evercloser to building an AI that thinks like a human. When it comes to this issues, different people offer different views, some people think that machine has feelings like human beings isinteresting and it may be a better server to human; while the other think it is dangerous, it may causes a revolt.


People who approved of human feelings machine think that once robot has specific feelings, such as happy, sad, anger, they might be more humanize. For example, maybe in the future a robotnanny will replace a real human nanny, who are work more effective and without any complain. If they have real emotion, they are more perfect, and more like a company but not a cool machine.


People who against human robot argue that once the robot is more intelligent than we think, that maybe a great tribulation to human beings. There has a potential risks that once the robot issmart enough, they may unwilling to be human’s server anymore, they may want to be legally citizens, or even worse, to be the owner of the world. It is possible because they are smart and theyare stronger compare with human beings.


It is not sure what will happen in the future, having robot to serve for human beings is a good thing, but the issue of artificial intelligence is still controversial.


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