

人气:495 ℃/2024-01-27 19:26:04



In a burst of firecrackers, the waves singing away, we finally ushered in the Spring Festival! The Spring Festival, is China's biggest holiday, is also our most happy day. Every homedecorating, street makeover, a beaming spectacle. Mom and dad put home decorate new early on, with the necessities and I blinked his eyes happiness, wearing new clothes in the wardrobe mirroraccording to according to before is really beautiful!

Year dad took I put red couplets on the gate, the festival gold set off my yard is unripe brightness. To my New Year's eve is the most warm night, the whole family sitting together for thescented dumplings, feel so warm in the heart, look at the colorful Spring Festival gala show, still waiting for the New Year's bell sounded...

On the first morning, relatives and friends gathered to the New Year. People greet each other, very busy. Mom and dad, grandpa's grandmother, uncle aunt gave me lucky money! At noon,relatives and friends together, you seldom meet at ordinary times, and they eat together is happy! On table filled up with all kinds of food, chicken, duck, fish, meat is so big, and myfavorite braised pork! A toast to celebrate, joy is hanged on everyone's face. All proposed take pictures reserved for memorial, dad picked up a camera, everyone laugh at once up and shouted:"cheese!" Reflected in the still face full of smile...


Hometown of the Spring Festival is very busy, but in my opinion, happiness is also a lot.

New Year's eve is one of my favorite day. Look at every stick couplets on the Spring Festival, wear new clothes, heard popping firecrackers with rings, unless as a last resort, regardless ofthe miles relatives hundreds of miles away, be sure to come back on this night all reunited with his family to eat dinner together. Eaten dinner, we children run outside fireworks, all kinds offireworks bloomed the sky, like the flowers of a huge, beautiful. Start at eight o 'clock, the family sat in front of the television to watch the wonderful Spring Festival evening gala jointprograms, many seemed quiet on the streets. But, start at midnight, firecrackers hilarity again, this is people celebrate the arrival of the New Year!

On the first day is the real Spring Festival. Up in the morning, we're going to older relatives nearby a New Year wish, at this moment the adults always give us children New Year's money, getthe lucky money don't mention how happy. Can buy learning stationery, still can and friend to play, or go shopping to buy gadgets from a market stall. One of the most interesting is the set ofthe goldfish, the bridge, and street stalls. Look at children to throw one circle out sets of medium and small fish tank, the happy time, don't mention it.

Look, how busy Spring Festival!


In the firecrackers, we ushered in the Chinese people the most grand festival - the Spring Festival, every family beaming, hang red lanterns, labeled red couplets, busy...

The first day, the first lunar month is a happy day.

Morning, golden sun with earth, the sun began to work the yawn.

In the past I got up late, but today I for a first, because want to smell the aroma of food flavor. A string of lit firecrackers in the hands of people, sounds really big, splash around, asif to send every blessing to every household, successive waves of fireworks, scratching, very busy.

After lunch, uncle, aunt came to grandma's. Drops drops... Who is coming? We stretch the neck looks around. Oh! It was a big aunt. They are out of the car and went into the house.

Put away the baggage, two aunt began to help grandma and grandpa to prepare dinner.








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