

人气:402 ℃/2024-06-09 01:09:59



J. So,how is your course going? Do you like it?

B.I like my professions and the classes, but it's a lot of work.

J.What are you specializing in?

B.Right now, I am doing some research into the languages of different African tribes.

J. That sounds really interesting.Can you speak Swahili?

B. Yes, I learned how to speak it when I was little.

J. Really? How did you do that?

B. Well, I grew up in African, so I leaned quite a few different languages.

J. That's amazing. Are you doing well in your classes?

B.I don't know because I haven't received any test results yet.

J. When did you take your exams?

B.About two weeks ago.

J.how do you think you did?

B. I left feeling pretty confident about my score, but I heard that my professiors are very stric garders, so I am a bit nervous.

J I am sure you will do well. Did you study hard?

B You know me, I am always studying!

J Don't worry, If you don't do well, on one can!

B Thanks for the vote of confidence , Justin.


A: Let me get last week's notes.

B: Yeah, sure--you didn't come to class that day?

A: I couldn't come.

B: Why not?

A: I wasn't feeling well.

B: Here they are.

A: Thanks a lot; are these all the notes?

B: Oh, no, this is the rest.

A: Thank you very much.

B: It's no problem at all.


A: Could we go over some things, because I think my test score is wrong.

B: What do you think is wrong, the math or the way your answer was scored?

A: Both.

B: I am willing to take a second look because teachers make mistakes, too. Will that work for you?

A: Yeah, I'm ready.

B: Check your answers against the ones on the answer sheet and let me know where you see the mistake.

A: These look strange.

B: Yes, I agree; let's move on to the calculating of the score. Would that be OK?

A: OK, let's do the calculation.

B: We add all of these up and divide by this and that gives us this percentage.

A: I see.

B: Anytime you have a question, please feel free to ask!

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