

人气:274 ℃/2023-02-03 08:09:58


工作支撑你的梦想 The Job Supports Your Dream

According to the report, most people are not satisfied with their job and life, but there is nothing for them can do, so they just have to do the boring job and live the same life every day.There will always some people dare to follow their hearts and live the life they want.


Foster is 28 years old, he used to be a designer for the famous brand and had his own apartment in Manhattan, it seemed that his life was such wonderful that he would achieve greater success.But Foster quit his job later and he wanted to stay away from the city and travel to many places. He bought a wasted bus and then decorated it as his home, he drove his bus to travel aroundAmerica. Finally he went back his hometown and he built a tree house, which looked so beautiful.

福斯特28岁,他曾是著名品牌的设计师,在曼哈顿有自己的公寓,似乎他的生活是如此美好,他将会取得更大的成功。但福斯特随后辞职,他想远离城市,旅游很多地方。他买了废弃的公共汽车,然后装饰一遍,他驾驶他的公共汽车环游美国。最后他回到了他的家乡 ,建立了一个树屋,看起来如此美丽。

Foster now is famous and he got many fans. His life is many people’s dream. As a matter of fact, Foster still worked on his job by the Internet, it is the job that helps him to realize hisdream.


为什么女孩要那么努力工作 Why Girls Work So Hard

In the old days, it was men’s job to raise the family and the women should stay at home to deal with all kinds of chores. But in the modern society, women desire to go out of the house andfind their places in the world. They work so hard to fulfill their value.


In the traditional view, girls will marry someday and then they will focus on the family, so there is no need for them to work so hard. But it is totally wrong for the girls. No matter whichstage they are in, they need to work hard to keep their economic source. As the saying that no money, no talk, so the girls can say out their thoughts loudly in the family instead of feelingshameful to fight for their rights.


Whether girls marry or not, working can help them keep in pace with the time. The working surrounding not only can distract their pressure in the family, but also can broaden their vision.The colleagues can talk to them and relieve their negative emotion. Working can make a girl charming.


观光点 Sightseeing View

Nowadays, when the public holiday comes, people’s first choice is to travel. The hot tourist sites are covered with people all the time. Some people like to visit the tall buildings whilesome people trend to appreciate the beauty of nature. Different people have different views on the sightseeing.

如今,公共假期 到来时,人们的第一选择是旅行。热门旅游景点满是人。有些人喜欢参观高楼然而有些人倾向于欣赏大自然的美。不同的人有不同的观光意见。

If people like to visit the tall buildings, the big cities are suitable for them. Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou can let people experience the vitality of the city and learn about thecutural background. It can also help them to know more about the country and master the chance of development.


If people choose to appreciate the grand nature, then the place like Tibet is their best choice. After living in the lively city for such a long time, it is time to stay away from the crowdand find their inner peace. Getting close to the nature can help people clear their minds and find the balance of their hearts. So that they will be full of energy when they come back to work.


Visiting the tourist sites can help people adjust their mood and broaden their vision.


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