

人气:102 ℃/2022-09-02 11:13:18


How to Be Popular

Most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity? In fact, it is very simple. The first step is to improve ourappearance. We should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well. When we are healthy and well-groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better. In addition, we shouldsmile and appear friendly. After all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. If we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by ourconfidence.

Another important step is developing more consideration for others. We should always put others first and place their interests before our own. It’s also important to be good listeners; inthis way people will feel comfortable enough to confide in us. However, no matter what we do, we must not gossip. Above all, we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies. Only by being sincereand respectful of others can we earn their respect. If we can do all of the above, I am sure popularity will come our way.






Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deepsprings of life .Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often existsin a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 .Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul .Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heartand my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch wavesof optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

Thank you!








Learn How to Say No

We’ve all been taught that we should help people. It is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. It may even win us favors in return. However, we must be realistic. Wecan’t say yes to every request. If we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure. Sometimes we simply don’t have the time to help. In this case, we must know how to say no politely.

When we need to say no, here is one method we can try. First, we should tell the truth. If we really can’t do something, we should just say so. Second, we should remember to refuse requestspolitely. We must communicate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic. A true friend will understand. Finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no. Sometimes refusing others isthe right thing to do. It can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble. In short, we cannot please everyone all the time. Refusing favors is a part of life.




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