

人气:135 ℃/2021-02-24 00:55:03


:High School Students and Hair Style

The hair style of high school students was once an interesting subject in the newspaper. Almost all the educators, top-ranking government officials and teachers said that we high schoolstudents should not pick on the prescribed hair style of ours. According to them, the sole duty of a student‘s was to study and study and the inner part of the head was more important than thehair that covers the scalp. Despite what they said, I still don‘t like hair style imposed on us high school students. I isn‘t beautiful and it is unnatural. It looks like some dry dark grass ona boy student‘s head and a very small black hat on a girl student‘s. I am tired of having my hair cut every four weeks, yet I am obliged to do that because the military instructor so frequentlyinspects the hair style of every student. To me hair style is strictly a personal matter. I like to have my hair a little longer and be spared the trouble of having it cut every so often. Westudents labor under so many rules in school and we are taught to obey all of them. I think a uniform plain hair style is not necessary at all. Why can‘t we do as we like? We are eager to seethe time when we are free to choose our own hair styles in our post-high school days.


My city

I live in Hangzhou.It is a beautigul city.It‘s my hometown.Every year it attracts large number of tourists come here all over the world.

We have Xihu here and many places of interest.I think you will love it when you see it oneday.I want to grow up quickly.Andj I will try my best to protect our city and make a contribution toit.I think if everyone protects it ,my city will becone much more beautiful.I love my city!


To Borrow Arrows with Thatched Boats

This is an interesting story from the Three Kingdoms period 220-280 in ancient China, when the Wei and Wu kingdoms joined together to fight against the Wei Kingdom. Zhou Yu, the chiefmilitary commander of the Wu Kingdom, ordered Zhu Ge Liang the chief minister of the Shu Kingdom and generally regarded as the kingdom‘s top master-mind to produce 100,000 arrows within 10days.

"Three days is enough, " said Zhu. He also aGREed to be punished if he failed to complete the order.

Zhou mocked that Zhu was looking for self-destruction. On the one hand, Zhou ordered his troops not to provide Zhu with materials to make the arrows. He also sent Lu Su to see how Zhu wasdealing the problem.

In fact, Zhu had already realized that this was a plot. He asked Lu who was kind-hearted to lend him 20 boats, each lined with straw scarecrows and manned by 30 soldiers. He also requestedthat Lu not tell Zhou what was happening.

When Lu came again to see Zhu, he did not find anything unusual. Nothing happened on the second day either. In the early morning of the third day, Zhu invited Lu for a boat ride. The 20 boatswere tied together with strong ropes. Zhu‘s fleet sailed toward the camp of Cao Cao who was the king of the Wei Kingdom.

A thick mist had spread over the surface of the river. People could hardly see each other on the river. When Zhu‘s fleet got close to the Cao camp before dawn, Zhu ordered his soldiers toshout and beat drums to fake an attack. Zhu and Lu simply sat inside one of the boats and drank wine to enjoy themselves.

As soon as the Cao camp heard the shouting and drum beating, they mistook it for a surprise attack by the Zhou camp. Since they could see nobody on the river, they gathered 3,000 bowmen andordered them to shoot arrows. The front of the scarecrows was quickly shot full of arrows.

After a while, Zhu had his fleet turn around to expose the other side of the scarecrows. When this side was also shot full of arrows, the day broke. Zhu ordered his soldiers to return totheir base port. The soldiers shouted, "Thank you, Cao, for your arrows." After they got back to their camp, they collected more than 100,000 arrows from the scarecrows.



Tsunami is usually caused by strong earthquakes that happen in oceans.Great sea waves will be pushed towards the shores with great speed.If the people along the shores don‘t know tsunami iscoming,they will suffer great damage.For example,the tusnami,which happened in the Indian Ocean on December 26,2004,killed more than 150,000 people in Indonesia,Sir Lanka,India,Thailand andother countries.Millions of people were injured and became homeless.

Tsunami is a natural disaster.We should set up more advanced warning systems along the shores,on the islands and in man-made staellites.Besides,we should protect our oceans further instead ofdestroying them.


My Favorite Profession

If you are a junior 大三学生 or a senior 大四学生, you may be frequently asked, "What would you like to do in the future?" Whenever people ask me this question, my answer isalways the same, "Tobe a teacher." Teaching has been my favorite profession all the time. My dream of being a teacher was rooted in my childhood.

The good natured, patient and strict teachers in primary school made a strong impression on me. As I grow up, I know more about my desired profession. Teachers are the engineers of humansoul. That is to say, they play roles in the forming and shaping塑造 of students‘ intellectual and psychological make-up. Teachers are lifelong learners while instructing students. Nowadaysgovernments at all levels put more stress on the roles of education in information society, versatile 多才多艺的 teachers are urgently needed.

To be a qualified teacher in the new century, I must prepare right now. Rosy玫瑰色的 dream and firm will can not be automatically translated into转化为 teaching methods and job skills. In short,I will make efforts to do well my favorite job teaching.


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