

人气:204 ℃/2024-06-26 13:06:53



新学期计划 A Plan For the New Semester

Times goes fast, my second year of high school is coming soon. In the first year, I got used to the new environment and kept focusing on my study. I felt like something was lost in my life,because I was too busy and did not have time to read novel books. So in the new semester, I must make a plan to better adjust my life pace. Firstly, I need to study the subjects well, becauseit is my first job as a student. As this important stage will decide my future to some degree, so keeping up with other students is my main goal. Secondly, I must spare some time to read extrabooks, which will broaden my horizon and enrich my mind. It can also help me to take relax from great pressure. The plan slows down my life pace.



回望去年 Looked Back On Last Year

The new year is coming soon, time flies and it is time for me to look back on the passed days, so as to improve myself. I remembered the targets that I made last year. I made up my mind toread some books and went to many places with friends. On the summer vacation, I did travel with my friends and we had a great time. I learned a lot during the trips and became more independent.But I didn’t finish the target to read books, the reason was that I was too busy with my study. I knew it was just an excuse for my weakness. I was just lazy sometimes, even I had enough timeto finish my task. So in the new year, I must finish reading the books and broaden my vision. All I need is to read one hour a day.



博物馆免费开放 Free Admission to Museums

Nowadays, more tourist sites are free to the tourists. As one of the hot sites that attracts people to visit, there is no doubt that this policy will bring more visitors. Going to the museumcan broden horizon and enrich people’s minds. They can gain the knowledge from these cultural relics, which is much better than reading from textbooks. But at the same time, the large amount ofpeople means challenge. More visitors will damage the cultural relics, for some will behave impolitely, they like to make some marks to remember the trip. What’more, some precious relics willbe stolen, as everyone can’t be supervised all the time. Free admission to museum allows more people to witness the historical materials. It needs everyone to behave themselves, so as to betterpreserve the precious data, and let more people have the chance to visit.


  • 热门

  • 1现代文阅读专项练习及答案153
  • 2高三阶段激励班级口号385
  • 3农村个人养老保险有什么政策291
  • 4香菇大棚种植的方法291
  • 5宋明理学课件429
  • 6适合胃疼吃的食物有哪些167
  • 7高中优秀英语作文三篇487
  • 8高中生高分英语作文范文190
  • 推荐

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  • 3黄冈名师天天练一年级数学人教版:黄冈名师,天天练人教版数学346
  • 4围城的读书心得体会,读后感,围城就是一座227
  • 5濮阳技师学院图标:濮阳技师学院举行新学期升旗仪式238
  • 6精密尺寸测量仪器:深孔测量仪内径千分表251
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  • 8湿疹为什么会不停的反复发作?湿疹为什么会反复发作340
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