

人气:231 ℃/2022-12-07 03:16:44


:Childhood Is the Most Wonderful Part of Life

The day before yesterday was Children's Day. When I was wandering in the street, I saw many lovely children playing with their parents. The pleasant scene reminded me of my own childhood.When I was a little girl, I was free from worries and did whatever I liked. I was full of vigor and learned a lot of things from the world. I did many exercises and was much healthier than I amtoday. In my opinion, childhood is the most wonderful part of life.

First of all, children was deeply loved and protected by their parents. They do not need to worry about anything and can do whatever they want to. I think this is the most wonderful advantageof childhood. When a person grows up, he or she will never have this kind of advantage again, for an adult is supposed to have received enough education and know what he/she should do and whatnot. Thus, adults can only do everything they should do whether they like it or not. Moreover,the more they learn about the world, the more worries they will get. Thus, many adults wish theywould be children once more.

Secondly, children can learn much more than adults. When babies come to this world, they know nothing and have a great thirst for knowledge. It is much easier to educate them than to teachadults just like a piece of blank paper is much easier to be painted on. Furthermore, children learn by observing how people around them act and imitate them. While adults emphasize too much onthe ways of learning, they do not learn in best ways in most cases. Obviously, children have better memories than adults. This can also explain why children learn more things.

Thirdly, children are brought up under the great care of their parents. They eat all kinds of nutritious food, and they are taken out to do physical exercises regularly. Thus, they are veryhealthy. However, adults have their own opinions on food and only eat their favorite food. They do not take in all kinds of nutrients. Also, adults are busy with their work. When they go backhome, they always feel very tired and are unwilling to do anything else except sleeping. Thus, they have little time to do exercises. No wonder adults are not so healthy as children.

I will always remember the days of my childhood. How I wish I could be as carefree and curious as a child once again, and relive those happy days!

简 评





Walking in the charming sunset glow, hearing the fresh laughter wafting from the frolic children in distance, I can not help recalling my past life. The rosy clouds allured my memory;what awonderful childhood I have got. Childhood is the most colorful time in my life for it is a memory, a mystery and a gift.

Childhood is a precious memory. I still remember that I clinged to my mother listening to her singing the rhymes for me;I still remember that I fought with my old friend desperately just fora red cheery;I still remember I burst into tears the first time I went to schooh I still remember... My childhood is a memory without pressure, competition and hypocrisy. It is the most naireand innocent period which I can not find when I grow up.The valuable memory of my childhood often glitters in my life and moistens it with great joys. Childhood is so wonderful because itcreates an unforgettable memory.

Childhood is also a charming mystery. It is like a paperplane flying in the sky. It is like the lonely boat sailing in the sea, though they do not know where they should go, pleasantsurprises await them here and there on the way. Compared with the rigid routine life of adults, childhood was full of magic, full of fantasy. I had the great curiosity about all the thingsaround us children, which has been worn gradually by the adult society.Childhood offered me infinite room of imagination. It is like a piece of white paper which I can put any color on to paintmy own beautiful picture. This picture is the most wonderful one I can ever imagine because the childhood is full of mystery.

Childhood is a valuable gift too. The gift brought me the ability to walk on the street, to speak with others. The gift endowed me with the initial knowledge about the world. It was inchildhood I was fascinated by the story of a falling apple and Newton's discovery of gravitation. At that time, I made my decision to devote myself to studying science well, so now I can writethis composition in Fudan University.

Childhood is a gift which shows me how to become a good person and enables me to acquire various ability. The scene that my parents told me stories like "Kong Rong Rang Li" "Xuan Liang CiGu'often emerges in my mind. The teachings of childhood

will influence all my life. When I am tempted to do something bad, what I learnt in my childhood will prevent me from venturing so that I could keep a clear conscience. Childhood was like abenignant teacher instructing me what I did not know and forgiving all my fault. I will cherish the gift childhood gives me because it is the guidance of my life.

As a memory, childhood reminded me of the great joys in the old days. As a mystery, childhood created me a colorful thought. As a gift, childhood flourished my whole life. In my view,childhood is the most wonderful part of my life.

简 评


可以看出,作者尝试用大量的比喻和描写来表达真情实感,如“childhood is like a paper-plane flying in the sky,like a piece of white paper"等描写就包含诗情。但是用外语写好散文谈何容易,本文不乏词不达意之处,语言也不够精炼,有些描写也许是依据中文思维,令人费解,如The rosy clouds alluredmy memory和As a mystery,childhood created me a colorful thought.As a gift,childhood flourished my whole life。另外,正文部分若能增加一些具体的事实和细节,将更能打动人心。



I always dream about returning to the past. As many people say, childhood is the happiest and easiest time in one’s life. Children show you their true emotions. They know what is compassionand what is tolerance better than adults. In their world, all real thoughts are presented. They may easily have different opinions with others, but they never understand what is animosity. Theyenjoy making friends but they never think about making social communication net. Every child talks from the bottom of his heart without evil plans hidden and never intrigues against each other.Only in children’s way can adults make our life simple, more real and more enjoyable.

I wish everyone’s heart would keep as innocent and lovely as they ever did in their childhood. Then, the walls between our hearts can be broken down and the world would be a better place tolive in.


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