

人气:159 ℃/2021-03-21 02:23:15




There are several reasons for its popularity.First,it is very convenient and saves a lot of time.Second,you can either eat it there or take it away.Third,the environment of fast foodrestaurants is both clean and comfortable.However,in terms of nutrition,fast food is far from satisfactory,It is usually not a balanced diet and low in nutritional value.Fast food is only agood choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while .It's bad for people,especially children,to eat fast food as little as possible.



More and more people are encouraged to choose public transportation.Fewer private cars are on the roads so there are fewer traffic jams.It is convenient for people to travel to and fromwork.What's more,less harmful gas is produced.This friendly to the environment.I live far from my school.My father used to drive me to school early in the morning.He complained a lot about thetraffic jams.Now I can take the underground railways near my home,which saves us a lot of time.



We can benefit a lot from studying abroad.Firstly,we can meet people from different countries.We can know each other better by studying together.Secondly,we can improve our English becauseeveryone around us is speaking English.Thirdly,studying abroad can help us learn better about western cultures.However,studying abroad also has some disadvantages.we may feel very lonelybecause our parents aren’t with us.What’s more,we have to take care of everything by ourselves,like doing some shopping and do the house cleaning.One more thing,we may have a hard time gettingwell along with local people because at the beginning we are not familiar with local customs and cultures.To study aborad or not ,please think it over before you make the big decision.



We can benefit a lot from studying abroad.Firstly,we can meet people from different countries.We can know each other better by studying together.Secondly,we can improve our English becauseeveryone around us is speaking English.Thirdly,studying abroad can help us learn better about western cultures.However,studying abroad also has some disadvantages.we may feel very lonelybecause our parents aren’t with us.What’s more,we have to take care of everything by ourselves,like doing some shopping and do the house cleaning.One more thing,we may have a hard time gettingwell along with local people because at the beginning we are not familiar with local customs and cultures.To study aborad or not ,please think it over before you make the big decision.

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