

人气:276 ℃/2024-03-22 20:12:51



Though smoking has been banned in public places in many cities, many people are still addicted to smoking, especially young people. Some smokers seem to have “quite convincing” reasons fortheir continuing to smoke.

They claim if smoking is forbidden in public places, it will infringe upon their personal freedom and human rights.

But these smokers should know that they are not entitled to the freedom to smoke, which infringes upon non-smokers’ freedom to breathe clean and fresh air in public places. Unfortunately,these smokers make non-smokers victims of their bad habit. Some smokers ignore health problems and stress that the smoking ban will endanger the local economies.

In their words, tobacco industry means money and millions of jobs. Indeed, tobacco industry, on the one hand, collects a large amount of revenue every year and helps develop local economies;on the other hand, they make people victims of lung cancer and other fatal diseases. Have they ever thought of the direct medical costs on treating smoking-related diseases?


As we all know, there are many people smoking, although everyone knows smoking is harmful to us. Giving up smoking is not easy but addicted to it is quite easy, that’s why there are more andmore people smoking.

Smoking and passive smoking is risk factor that leads to various diseases. It has become world’s top 8 causes of death.

More than 90% of lung cancer caused by smoking and lung cancer rates of smokers are 18 times over the non-smokers. Besides, smoking also causes angiocardiopathy, digestive system disease,oral disease and so on. In addition, passive smoking causes great concern in recent years.

People have known that passive smoking also do great harm to human, too.

Therefore, many countries and regions prohibit people from smoking in public zones, in order to reduce the harm of secondhand smoke. From my point of view, the best way to keep healthy isgiving up smoke, for smoker’s own good as well as for others.


It’s well known that smoking is bad for our health. It does much harm to our lung.

Smoking too much is very easy to get cancer, which is very terrible. Besides, smoking also do harm to people’s teeth.

Those people always smoke will demage their teeth and their teeth are always yellow. That makes others feel sick. The last but not least, the people smoke the passive smoking are tend to getsick.

They have do nothing wrong,but stand beside those smoking people. It’s unfair. So, in order to the health of everyone, please stop smoking.


Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others.

Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking, such as tracheitis, lung cancer and many other diseases.

Recent years, there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking. But there still are many people enjoying smoking, because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool,especially among teenagers. In addition, smoking does harm to others as well. Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people.

Even worse, it may cause more damages. Therefore, people should remember that smoking is harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible.

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