

人气:123 ℃/2022-08-17 16:02:34



Tell you, but our family, home of one of the few famous precious little time to be precious little time means cherish the time, there are two words: Dan home precious little time.

To say, we are from grandma. My grandma this age, is also busy. Go out in our respective study, work, she will make use of time, in the home left to wash right brush, never idle.

Up early in the morning, grandma, she help us ready for breakfast, began to do other work. I got up visual grandma's every move, mop the floor with her voice is very light, seem to be afraidto disturb my sleep.

I know, grandma's body is not particularly hale and hearty. Do manual work for too long, has a little effect on the body. For us, she burned out of the body. Look, granny's slow, but shesweep the floor very clean, if she also thinks dirty in some place, want to repeat the drag about, never settle is not clean. If there is no, she can knits eyebrows, shook his head, fordetergent and, again and again. Grandma, for we pay so much, we all love you, thank you!


Family life is the essence of a personal life, each one of us will have their own private life space, so the private space will be home. Sometimes, home is not so perfect in the fairy tale,however, so happy, so happy. I believe that everyone has a family, but these people are really happy? I believe that not each one of them must be very happy, but their outside surface is ahappy, xi xi ha ha, in fact heart has suppressed the sad, sad. Just don't want to let others know it.

My family, oh, I also could not say it is good or bad, but I am very happy, because my family is too perfect, perfect let me out of breath. In my eyes of my parents, my brother elder sister,grandma and grandpa is perfect.


When I was a kid, I don't know anything, one day, I was reading the balcony above, but I'm going to book carelessly put books fell on the ground floor, who knows, this time grandma came out,and the book just to hit her head, and my father hit me after see. I what to say? As time flies, I flew to junior high school, mom and dad go out to play horse dicks, once when I was sleeping,unspeakable quarrelled with my sister, my mother came back, to see this verdict only ask elder sister, dad got back. Dad came back I was go to the toilet, in the face of the mother pushed thedoor and I as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb to lock up the door. But, when I open the door is lock is broken, can't open. Inside, my mom and dad scold while knocking at the door outside.Finally opened, and dad came in and dumped me two slap, also hit my hand. I didn't say anything at that time, I am not dare not to say, but what's the use?

Life is difficult, because it is too rough.





4.初一英语作文my family 七年级my family英语作文




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