

人气:159 ℃/2021-11-09 02:40:40


成语寓言故事:Dongguo and the Wolf东郭和狼

One day, Mr. Dongguo drove a donkey carrying a sack of books to the State of Zhongshan to seek an official post.


Suddenly, a wounded wolf scurried to him and begged:


"Sir, I am being pursued by a hunter. I was shot by an arrow and almost lost my life. I beg you to hide me in your sack, and I'll reward you well in the future."


Mr. Dongguo said:


"By doing this I'll offend prominent officials, and face disaster. But I'll surely try to save you. This is something I ought to do."


At this moment, the wolf curled up its limbs. Mr. Dongguo tied it up with rope, put it into his sack, and drove the donkey to the roadside to let the hunter pass by.


A moment later, the hunter came up and found the wolf missing. He asked Mr. Dongguo:


"Have you seen a wolf? Where did it run off to?"


Mr. Dongguo said:


"I haven't seen any wolf. This road leads to many byroads. The wolf may have escaped from one of them."


The hunter could do nothing but believe this to be true. So he turned around and left.


When the wolf heard the hoofbeats fade in the distance, it said in the sack:


"Sir, please let me out of the sack, untie the rope, pull out the arrow on my limb, and let me escape."


The kindhearted Mr. Dongguo, bewitched by its sweet words, released the wolf. But unexpectedly, the wolf howled at him:


"Please, sir, now I am so starved. Please let me devour you."


Whereupon the wolf bared its teeth, brandished its claws, and pounced upon him. Mr. Dongguo fought the wolf bare-handed and kept on shouting:


"You ungrateful wolf! You ungrateful wolf!"


At this moment, an old peasant carrying a hoe passed by. Mr. Dongguo hurriedly got hold of him and asked him to pass judgement. The old peasant thought it over and said:


"I don't believe either of you. How can this sack hold a wolf? Please do it again so I can see it with my own eyes."


The wolf agreed. Again it lay on the ground, curled up into a ball, let Mr. Dongguo tie it up with rope and put it in the sack. The old peasant tied up the sack tightly at once and said toMr. Dongguo:


"This man-eating beast will never change its nature. It is too stupid and too dangerous to be kind to a wolf."


Then, he raised his hoe and struck the wolf to death. Mr. Dongguo finally saw the light, and said to the old peasant:


"Thank you for saving my life today. I'll always remember this lesson."


成语寓言故事:Shi Kuang Tunes a Stringed Musical Instrument师旷调琴

Ping Gong of Jin ordered someone to make a stringed musical instrument. The strings of the instrument were of the same size, with no difference between the small strings and the large string.


After the instrument was made. Ping Gong of Jin asked Shi Kuang, an official in charge of music, to tune the instrument. Shi Kuang spent a whole day doing it, but failed to tune out a melody.


Ping Gong blamed Shi Kuang for his incompetence. Shi Kuang explained:


"The large string of a musical instrument is like the king of a state, and the small strings are like his subordinates. The large string and the small strings have their own functions. Onlyby coordinating with one another can they compose temperament, and only by being orderly can they play harmonious and pleasant music. Now there is no difference in size between the large stringand the small strings. This ruins the system and regularity which they should have. How can I tune an instrument like this?"


成语寓言故事:A Rare Stringed Musical Instrument稀世珍琴

Gong Zhiqiao obtained a piece of fine Chinese tung wood and made a qin stringed musical instrument out of it. When installed with strings and plucked, it gave out a wonderful sound,harmonious and pleasing to the ear.


Gong Zhiqiao thought this was the finest instrument in the world, so he presented it to the Tai Chang Si Qing a high official in charge of rites and protocol of the ancestral temple who hadit examined by an imperial musician, but the musician disdained to have a look at it. He only said "Not ancient!" and returned the instrument.


Gong Zhiqiao had to take it home and asked a lacquerer to paint many crackles on the instrument in imitation of an ancient qin, and asked a sculptor to carve on it some inscriptions ofancient scholars. Then he put it in a box and buried it underground.


After one year, Gong Zhiqiao took out the instrument from underground, and went to the market to sell it. It happened that an influential personage was passing by. He bought it with 100pieces of gold and presented it to the imperial court. The imperial musicians vied with each other to look at it and praised in unison:


"Ah! It is indeed a rare stringed musical instrument in the world!"


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