

人气:112 ℃/2022-03-17 08:37:19



Dear leaders:

I heard your information of job from internet. I'm male students of Northern College of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, the specialty is logistics

management, will be held in July 2016 graduation. I carefully handed him a cover letter, candidates company warehouse administrator jobs.

While expanding their knowledge in university learning, I seriously learn the professional master logistics professional knowledge and grasp of modern logistics management system,international logistics practices, logistics management information systems, supply chain management, logistics enterprise storage basic accounting practices, procurement and distributionpractices. Assistant Logistics Certificate National com#puter two C certificate, proficiency in word, excel, strong com#puter skills.

In order to gain more practical experience. Off-campus part-time, May Day holidays in STO logistics com#pany. I actively participate in every activity of the student organization in schools

Four years of college, I constantly improve themselves, and expand their knowledge. I passed the online lookup, and concerned about your company's recruitment information to my professionalknowledge, I am confident that qualified for the jobs of the com#pany's warehouse. Urge your organization to the leadership on the of I sincerely job move to give the full understanding andsupport. I believe that I will use my practical action to prove my promise!



Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Qi Yang. I am currently a graduate of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications in early July of 2016. I am writing to express my interests in your company. The job soundsparticularly interesting. It is precisely the kind of work I have wanted to do for many years. My experiences obtained from inside or outside university thus far have, I think, given me theattitudes and the understanding that would enable me to learn the details of the position you are in demand.

If an ability to take direction well, and to carry out orders faithfully, is important to you, then I may be the good person for the job you’ve advertised.

I’d very much appreciate the chance to talk to you, and to get your opinion on whether my background and qualification would be suitable for the job you offer.

I can be reached by telephone at 86-138-0903-0984 or you can also send email to qiyang0519@163 .

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Qi Yang


Dear Sir/Madam:

Its my great honor to browse this personal information!

Since graduated from Hunan Huangpu Foreign Language College in 2015,I had done the teaching for one and half an year,and had worked in foreign trade business.

Until in Feb,2005,I returned to the South Central University for studying more knowledge and confirming objective.

During the past two years studing,I had been majoring the Application English on the base of Trading English,including the Advance Englishone,Advancetwo,Economy And Trade English,BusiessEnglish Correspondence,Selected Readings In English And American Literatures,Chinese And English Translation Course,Interpret And Listening,Japanese,Advance English Writing etc.In addtion, Igot the undergraduate diploma,flunetly oral English,good conpprehesion reading better social communication ability!

For the time being, I would like to hunt the job that with regard to the trade business or English.I am sure that I should take advantage of my ability and experience to serve for your firm.

Thanks for your reading!

Looking forward to your replying!

With Best Regards,

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