

人气:340 ℃/2021-03-27 18:11:24



The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on which fathers are honored by their children. On the third Sunday in June, fathers all across orotherwise made to feel special.

However, the idea for creating a day for children to honor their fathers began in Spokane, Washington. A woman by the name of Sonora Smart Dodd thought of the idea for Father’s Day whilelistening to a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909. Having been raised by her father, Henry Jackson Smart, after her mother died, Sonora wanted her father to know how special he was to her. It was herfather that made all the parental sacrifices and was, in the eyes of his daughter, a selfless and loving man. Sonora’s father was born in June, so she chose to hold the first Father’s Daycelebration in Spokane, Washington on the 19th of June, 1910.

In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge declared the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day. Roses are the Father’s Day flowers, red to be worn for a living father and white if the father has died.

When children can’t visit their fathers or take them out to dinner, they send a greeting card. Traditionally, fathers prefer greeting cards that are not too sentimental. Most greeting cardsare too special so fathers laugh when they open them. Some give heartfelt thanks for being there whenever the child needed Dad.

1. The United States is special in Father’s Day because .

A. many people celebrate the day

B. only America celebrates the day

C. America makes it an official day

D. all men are honored in America

2. At first, Father’s Day was fixed on June 19th because .

A. Sonora honored her father’s birthday

B. Sonora’s birthday was June 19

C. It was decided by the president at that time

D. her mother died on June 19

3. How many years has passed before Father’s Day became an official day since the father’s day was celebrated?

A. 4 B.10 C. 14 D. 24

4. According to the passage, on Father’s Day, .

A. people will wear the same flowers to honor their fathers

B. only daughters wear red flowers to honors their fathers

C. Children must go home to honor their fathers

D. fathers are often honored in different ways

5. According to the passage, we can infer that henry Jackon Smart .

A. was very kind to anyone

B. did a lot for his daughter

C. was the first father honored in 1924

D. always help others by giving money


1.C. 从文章的第一段第一句可知。

2.A. 从文章的第2段第五句可知。

3.C. 从第2段的最后一句和第三段的第一句可知。

4.D. 从文章的最后的最后两段可知。

5.B. 从文章的第两段,她的父亲无私。仁慈,她母亲死后,是她父亲把她养大的,因此可以推知她的父亲一定对她做了很多。


Good tool design is important in the prevention of overuse injuries. Well-designed tools and equipment will require less force to operate them and prevent awkward别扭的hand positions. Theywill allow the worker to keep the elbows肘next to the body to prevent damage to the shoulder and arm.

Overuse injuries can therefore be prevented or reduced if the employer provides, and workers use:

●power tools rather than having to use muscle肌肉power

●tools with specially designed handles that allow the wrist手腕to keep straight See figure 1. This means that hands and wrists are kept in the same position as they would be if they werehanging relaxed at a person’s side

Figure1. Bend the tool, not the wrist

●tools with handles that can be held comfortably by the whole hand. This means having a selection of sizes—remember that tools that provide a comfortable firm Hold for a person with a verylarge hand may be awkward for someone with a very small hand. This is a particularly important consideration for women who may use tools originally designed for men.

●tools that do not press fingers or flesh between the handles, and whose handles do not have sharp edges or a small surface area.

60. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Good tool Design for Women

B. Importance of Good Tool Design

C. Tool Design and Prevention of Injuries

D. Overuse of Tools and Worker Protection

61. Which of the following describes a well-designed tool?

A. It’s kept close to the body.

B. It fully uses muscle power.

C. It makes users feel relaxed.

D. It’s operated with less force.

62. What is Figure 1 used to show?

A. The effective use of the tool.

B. The way of operating the tool.

C. The proper design of the handle.

D. The purpose of bending the wrist.

63. In choosing tools for women, _____of the handle is the most important.

A. the size

B. the edge

C. the shape

D. the position


60.C 解析:从文中的第一句和全文的内容,都是围绕工具的设计和过度使用造成伤害之间的关系展开论述说明的,因此文章最好的题目应该突出该点.所以答案为C.本题考查学生的归纳概括能力.

61.D 解析:从原文"power tools rather than having to use muscle power."一句知道答案是D.本题考查的是细节理解.

62.C 解析:从文中"tools with specially designed handles that allow the wrist手腕to keep straight See figure 1"可知Figure I是用来展示该句的描述.而后文又据此进行了较为详细的进一步阐述.答案C 本题主要考查细节理解,对上下文的综合与提取信息是考生应有的能力.

63.A 解析:从文章倒数第2段知,工具的设计应考虑到使用者手的大小.尤其是那些原来为男人设计的工具又经常被女人使用,女子的手通常比男子的要小.答案A.本题考查细节理解.

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