

人气:445 ℃/2023-08-11 07:20:24



For every kid, Children’s Day is a big day , because they can enjoy the festival and get presents from schools and parents. While on this happy day, a mother was caught stealing chicken legin the supermarket. The media paid much attention to it, because the mother was trying to bring the chicken leg as a gift to her daughter. The poor mother was forgiven by the public, as theyhad sympathy for her. As the media reported this news, many people wanted to donate money to this mother, helping her to buy gifts to her daughter. Though the mother made a mistake, she did itfor love. Mother is the greatest person in the world. She not only gives us life, but also takes care of us all the time. No matter how hard life is, she will never let us concern about it.



Li Ming studies in a high school, and this is his second year. In order to get improved as soon as possible, he decided to study late every night. Usually, he would go to sleep about 11o’clock, but the pressure made him couldn’t sleep well, so he kept study until 12 o’clock. A month passed, Li Ming realized that he didn’t make progress, instead, he lag behind. He talked tohis teacher and the teacher told him that he needed to rest well and took it easy. Only the student slept well would he have the energy to study and focus on his attention. Li Ming did as theteacher said, indeed. It worked, he made progress and he could thought quickly. Sleeping well is the very important way to improve study efficiency.



As the high school students, when they finish their study, they need to take part in a big exam in June and then when the result comes out, they need to think about their major. Choosingmajor is really a big decision, because it will decide their future job, even their life. The best choice is to study the things that you are interested in. As the saying Interest is the BestTeacher, so learning with passion can make you move on. If you can’t find the suitable major, then you can choose the one that will bring you a promising future. Nowadays, being teacher, doctoror work on something relate with finance are very popular, what’s more, the market demandes such talented people a lot. It is easier to find a job with learning these majors.



About ten year ago, the hottest show Supergirl in China surprised the world, because it was the live show with the most amount of participants around the world. The foreign media gave specialreport for it. Chinese fans were so crazy about their favorite singers. Now more than ten years have passed, only few singers can stand out and make their career well. This show has intriguedmany criticisms and once was stopped. This year, the live show has come back, but the audience only can watch it by the Internet. It still rises many topics only to catch the public’sattention. No one cares what potential singers Supergirl can present, as people only cares the scandal, which brings them great joy. This live show has lost its meaning. It won’t create theamazing time as it did before.


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