

人气:458 ℃/2023-05-18 13:33:33














Ordinary also beautiful

Wind, rain, day faint, dark place.

With a day of toil and hunger, I struggled to walk on the way home.

Inadvertently looked up and saw a small shop, is a wonton shop. Store small but clean up clean, especially in this terrible night, extraordinarily warm. Collapse has to be cracked rainumbrella, sat innermost position. A little while, there will be a middle-aged woman to say hello, round face, a mole under the left eye, fertilizer body and red jacket, green pants with itmakes me feel a little funny. However, she smiled and gave me a feeling of amiable. I asked for a bowl of wonton, she deftly ran into the back of the kitchen. Before long, fragrant bowl ofwonton handed over from her hands, inadvertently saw her hand has a long and hideous scars, scabs Although, may still be able to imagine the situation at the time of injury, perhaps cutdumplings careless when filling it! Although in the minds so wish, can still save a little puzzled, could not help but looked at her eyes.

"My daughter will you so much." She seemed to feel my eyes, turned to me and said.

Although he has a surprise, but I still politely answered saying: "That she must have delicious food, you make ravioli so delicious."

"Oh." Although she was laughing, but that laugh, but encompasses numerous frustration and far-fetched. "If she has you so sensible enough."

I do not know how to answer, but also know that people should not poke pain, then quietly buried eat ravioli. After eating, I quickly paid the money to pick up an umbrella hastily home. Untilhome, I found that I have to pay data charges tomorrow hundred dollars was gone!

"How can you be so careless?" Mom angry, anxious to put me into pieces with his eyes. "I ...... I was eating a bowl of wonton noodle shop, is certainly not accidentally fall out when you takethe money." I carefully explained to her mother, "I'll see tomorrow!" "Well!" Mom listened as if the world The most interesting thing in general, "you'll see you tomorrow there a boss will sayto you:? 'What, one hundred I did not see ah you must be off somewhere else?!.' You go there to find? You are too naive, and had she may one day have earned less than one hundred, you click onsend, and how she could do? "Then, my mother came into the room, the door fell to the" bang "sound, noise diarrhea anger in her heart.

The next morning, I hurried toward noodle. After heavy rain last night exceptionally clean slate to fresh air, people feel also become transparent. Bird standing on the bare branches softlycomfort last night after the storm devastated the branches, coming and going on the street. But at the moment I had no desire to enjoy these, bent to look at the noodle shop. Upon entering thenoodle shop, I noticed that the middle-aged woman, immediately through the shop crowded diners, kept saying, "Please let look please let about." Because some fat, so when she successfullypushed in front of me, already out of breath. She gasped at lightning speed while the hundred dollars into my hand, said: "girl, this is your last night out of it to pay off, but then I seewhen sweeping, careful, Do not lose it. "Then she quickly squeezed back and start working.

It is still a red jacket, green pants, but I clearly found a good, simple and beautiful in vaguely tears in!

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