

人气:421 ℃/2024-06-03 00:54:12

老师的爱是一首无字的歌,在你淡淡的季节里开一树美丽的花,初三毕业季到了,不要忘了给老师写一句毕业祝福留言!下面是是小编为大家整理的 ,欢迎阅读!


Flowers thank the sun, because the sun to nurture it grow; eagle thanks to the blue sky, because the blue sky let it fly; teachers, I thank you, because you give us knowledge, let us grow uphealthy.

Once, I was sick for a week, medication did not improve, you get me a kind of earth medicine, cured my disease. My grades have come down, and you patience to help me until I put the resultson. In the exam, the teacher always reminds us to carefully do the question, check. When we came home from school, and still goes on the dilapidated table marking the homework is dear teacher.

Teacher, I thank you, is your selfless dedication, to teach us knowledge. So we grow up, you are old, my love for you will never "old", said her daughter is the mother's intimate smallcotton-padded jacket, I would like to make your a small intimate jacket, to accompany your side, So you feel the warmth of forever.


"Thanksgiving heart, thank you, with my life, let me have the courage to do my own ... ..." whenever I heard this song, then filled with emotion. I am along the way, need to thank the peopleis too much too much: thank my parents for my parenting, thanks to my grandparents care for me in every possible way, but I am most grateful to teachers for my hard training. In this case,

Thank you, Mr. Jiang. It was you that made me grow from an ignorant child to an outstanding young pioneer. I am a certificate that Zhang Zhang, all soaked with your efforts. Is your time andagain with the rest time for our make-up, correcting homework. I remember when the second grade, once because I am too proud, the test scores some bad, you promptly reminded me that learning tobe modest, not proud, so I corrected the error. Thank you! Ginger teacher. You brought me into the ocean of knowledge, to experience the joy of reading, your wonderful lectures fascinating,brought us into a colorful new world, teach us the truth of life. In this case,

Ginger, you give me love now I have not to return, but I will use excellent results to return you!


If a person with you strangers you hungry when you give you a bowl of food to eat, you will be grateful to the strange people do? If, a person you do not know in your cold time to give you apiece of clothing Phi, you will be grateful to the strange people do? If a person who has nothing to do with you gives you a coin when you have no change, will you be thankful to the stranger?However, the teacher has done so many things for us, taught us a lot of knowledge and how to behave. Yes, who is grateful to the teachers? Some people may think that teachers do something forus is right and proper, is a matter of course, and even some students that the teacher is long-winded.

Our class has a teacher, she is our class language teacher - Li. Teacher Li amiable, very careful to teach, not at all sloppy, not to mention, Li also taught us three years!

On one occasion, I was not ideal, she taught to the office. Li said to me some words, I really dumb eat Coptis - bitter can not tell. After the teaching of Lee, my grades from 80 points,"climb" more than 90 points. Teacher also true spirit!

Teacher, thank you!

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