

人气:478 ℃/2022-03-14 14:21:30


Dear every leader, dear women:


Good afternoon!


Today, my friends, is the struggle of the international women's day, is all for the day of the joy of women, as well as all men should remember one day. On March 8, 1909, the Chicago womenrequirements for men and women equal rights demonstrators, the next year in August in Copenhagen, the second meeting of the international socialist conference on women decided to, to promoteinternational working women and unity and liberation, every year for women's day on March 8. Our first memorial "38" the international working women's day started in 1924. After the founding ofthe People's Republic of China, the central people's government in 1949, the state council on December TongLing national, set for women's day on March 8.


Ninety-six years of history, the human half of the women, in order to the equal rights endeavour heated writes the examination of the history of human progress equipment.we believe.


38 section although is respect for the rights of women a symbol, but for many years, women in the heart of it is just like one thousand jins weight. In order to step out of the shadow of thefeudal society, stepped into the equality between men and women today, man pay the the efforts of several generations. Today both career or in life, everywhere can see women become the era ofoutstanding figure,

新时代的女性朋友们,在此之季,我们公司这个大家庭代表所有的朋友向您祝福,祝所有女同胞节日快乐,带着你们灿烂的心情,带着你们欢庆的笑脸,带上你们甜美的歌声,欢聚一堂,同喜同乐,共渡这一刻 ... 冰心有句名言:世界上若没有女人,这世界至少要失去十分之五的“真”、十分之六的“善”、十分之七的“美”。

The new age of women friends, in this season, all of our company, on behalf of all the family friend to you wish, wish all of female compatriot festival happiness, with your bright mood, withyou to celebrate this smile, bring your sweet songs, happily gather, TongXi with happy, to spend this moment... Bingxin is the famous saying: if no women in the world, and the world will loseat least five over ten of the "true", six over ten of the "good", seven over ten of the "beauty".

有男人说:女人是男人眼里的月亮,恬静又美丽, 女人是男人心里的传说,温馨又神密,男人的一半是女人。没有女人的相拌,你的人生也不是一个完整的人生。

Has the man said, the woman is the man's eyes the moon, quiet and beautiful, the woman is the man the legend of the heart, sweet god mithra, the man's half is a woman. No woman is mix, yourlife is not a full life.

而女人却说:我的生命不完全属于我自己,我是母亲、妻子、姐妹、女儿,我的责任和天性就是无私的奉献,对自己钟爱的人将永不改变,我只希望自己的爱人永远遵守诺言 ,好好的爱我,用心的珍惜我吧 。

And the woman said, my life not completely belong to myself, I'm the mother, wife, sisters, daughters, my responsibility and nature is unselfish dedication to his beloved people will neverchange, I only hope that their lovers always keep his promise, good love I, the intention of cherish me.

柔柔的亲情和绵绵的思念是女人的寄托,浪漫情感带着女人的宽容和温柔。 弹奏完锅碗瓢盆协奏曲之后, 女人也要撑起属于她的一片蓝天!

Soft soft affection and continuous missing is women's hopes and romantic feelings with women's tolerance and gentle. Play the basin of boiler bowl gourd ladle after concerto, the woman alsowant to hold up to her blue sky!


Friends, festival happiness! As a modern consciousness of women, should understand today's happy is not life satisfaction, but life enterprising gas station tomorrow. Because of the successof the storm is never in the fight, not sentimental romantic. Let us for tomorrow's happiness and happiness, brave to try hard! For we will prevail cheers!!!!!

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