

人气:152 ℃/2024-06-02 03:36:17



This winter haze weather has been the concern of everyone, haze great harm, there are several cities have been in its move, so we should enhance the intensity of environmental management, nolonger haze weather rampant.

The cause of the haze must have many people know, haze, of course, is composed of fog and haze, the main cause of fog is a large number of suspended in the ground air in the tiny droplets orice crystals composed of aerosol system, is near the ground layer The product of water condensation in the air. Fog will mainly reduce the visibility, will cause traffic problems, but the harmto people is not big.

Haze is composed of dust, sulfuric acid, nitric acid and other harmful substances in the air, it will make the atmosphere turbulence, blurred vision and lead to reduced visibility, and willcause greater harm to the human body. This kind of fog and haze two unrelated brothers together, causing unprecedented damage to the atmosphere, some of the city's air quality has reached thepoint of moderate pollution, and some cities have reached a serious pollution, very terrible.





Morning, I found the outside misty, even the mountains are not clear, the sun is also lazily hiding in the bed will not get up, visibility is very low. Open the TV, the news is also talkingabout this thing, the original days of Nanjing, Anhui and other regions of the school because of the haze weather stopped classes, Hangzhou also let the students stop all the outdooractivities, we also have to go out Masks

I was surprised to go and ask my mother, my mother told me: "Usually people say that the haze is actually composed of fog and haze these two weather, haze weather looks like a fog, but infact The fog is formed by the condensation of water vapor in the ground air, and the haze is because the tiny dust particles in the air, the fine sand particles, the virus particles and so onare evenly suspended in the air, they are intertwined The weather is very dangerous to the human body, if we inhale the bacteria, the virus, it is easy to get sick, serious words will be dead.

As far as I know, haze weather is caused by secondary pollution from automobile exhaust and exhaust emissions from the factory. Therefore, in addition to reducing outdoor activities anddrinking plenty of water, we should protect our environment and protect our homes Let the fog hail away from us.


Recently the weather is very bad, always foggy Meng, when we are still immersed in Lang Lang's reading sound, but I do not know the haze has been quietly close to us.

Haze is really a double-edged sword, both good and bad. With the haze, we have been suspended for four days, haze can be really like "magpie like", just came to give us a heavy gift, as astudent of me, how can not grateful to this good news " Magpie " The haze of the harm that is much more, just dawn, I went to the balcony a look, can not help but "wow" to screamed the wholecity, no, the whole world like a fairy tale world in general, white vast One, vague, distant objects can only vaguely see the contours, and even the silhouettes have disappeared without atrace. Outside the pollution is quite serious, dust into the sky, choking people keep coughing, since they are closed, just do not want us to go out, or honestly stay at home better.

In addition, in this weather, people are still very easy to get sick, as long as the cold, no warmth, will cause a cold, and infection is also very fast, as long as you poor health, usuallydo not exercise, Fortunately, my physical fitness, plus my mother is very concerned about my body, I was not infected! Haze is like a bad guy ice cream everywhere to get into trouble.

Hey haze smog! smog? The Haze is really a double-edged sword.

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