

人气:314 ℃/2022-02-21 09:07:29



Alex: hi, Bob, I am so glad that you came.


Bob: of course I'd come. I couldn't think of a better chance to see all my old friends.


A: yeah. It's hard to believe that it's been ten years since graduation. It feels just yesterday we collected our diplomas.


B: how time flies. But hey, how are things going with you?


A: oh, where to start? There have been ups and downs. I'm still trying to find my place in this world. It's only recently that I've been ablt to start settling down. How about you? You stillwith Jenny?

从哪里说起呢? 生活有起有伏,我现在还是试着去找自己的位置,最近才开始逐渐安定下来.你呢?还和詹妮在一起吗?

B: yeah, Jenny and I got married right after graduation. It was tough the first years trying to make ends meet. I was supporting us both while she continued her studies. But now things aregetting better. I work as senior manager in a trading company and she's working at a law firm. It's all started to come together and we're finally able to make a life for ourselves. Evenstarting to think about kids!


A: oh, that sounds wonderful. I have always known you two would make it. I hope I can keep in better contact with you huys. I don't want us to drift apart again.


B: definitely! Actually, we just moved into a new place. There's a house-warming party this Saturday, if you are free? I know Jenny would love to see you again and it should be a good party.


A: sounds great! I'll be there.



Andy: Hi Mary, how's it going?


Mary: well, last night I had a big argument with Ann.


A: terrible. It must be something serious. You two are such close friends.


M: now that I look back at it, it wawsn't that big a deal. I shouldn't have lost my temper.


A: really? What happened?

真的? 怎么了?

M: it's just we've been planning to go the beach for a while, and we decided we could both make it this weekend. Then out of nowhere she called me up, said her boyfriend had made plans andthat she need to cancel the trip. I was so angry when she told me that I said she didn't care about our friendship at all.


A: that's pretty harsh.


M: I know, but I was so upset. I mean, come on! Does she have to do everything her boyfriend says?


A: you know she probably feels just as bad.


M: well, I think I was being a little selfish myself. I know they don't get to see each other very often.


A: well, in that case I guess maybe you can be more understanding. You shouldn't let a trivial thing like this stand in the way of your friendship. After all you can go to the beach anytimeyou want.


M: yeah, I'll call her later to patch things up.



M: Hey, Ann, I am really sorry about last night. I shouldn't have said those things to you.


A: I am sorry too. I know we've been talking about this beach trip for a while. I should have told Bob I was busy this weekend.


M: don't be silly. You guys should spend as much time together as you can. Besides we can go to the beach anytime.


A: thanks for understanding.


M: well that's what being friends is about, isn't it?


A: hey, what if the three of us go to the beach together? Besides, you and Bob haven't seen each other for a while. I don't want my best friend and my boyfriend to be complete strangers.


M: Nah, I wouldn't worry about that. But I don't want to be the third wheel. You two should have some quiet time to yourselves.


A: I know Bob won't mind. You can bring a date, like that guy from the bar you keep talking about.


M: maybe…I'll think about it.


A: well, I think you should come and have some fun. Besides you never know maybe he likes you as well. You should at least try.


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