

人气:312 ℃/2023-03-13 18:54:34






S: Would you like to buy something here?

C: This black bag looks pretty. What's the price?

S: You really have a good eye. It costs 210 yuan.

C: Oh, it's too expensive. I'm not a deep pocket.

S: It's a brand name and it's the latest fashion this year.

C: It's really a high price for a bag. Don't try to rip me off!

S: If you really like it, you can get a l0 yuan discount.

C: The price is still higher than I expected. I insist on 150 yuan.

S: 150 yuan can barely cover the price. Our profit margin is not that large.

C: Prices are always negotiable. If you can't come down a little more, maybe I will hit another shop.

S: Let's meet halfway, 180 yuan, OK? I won't let it go for less than this price. I assure you

can't get a lower price elsewhere. Take it or leave it?

C: All right. I will take it.





C: Please take one of these trolleys there and I will deposit my bag at the checkroom.

B: OK. What do you want to buy?

C: I want to buy some vegetables and seafood. We also need some seasoning.

B: The vegetables are over here. Cabbages, eggplants. bean sprouts.... They do have everything.

C: Look at their prices. Probably we can get them cheaper in the vegetable market.

B: But it's a little farther for us to go there.

C: Look, prawn is on sale today. I'II get half a pound of them and a pound of shrimp.

B: Very well. I think it is better to have a bottle of champagne .

C: I like it. Where is the seasoning counter?

B: It's over there.

C: I need a bottle of vinegar and a pack of salt.

B: It seems that we also have to buy a pack of sugar.

C: OK, I'II fetch it.





S: What can I do for you. sir?

J: I'm trying to find some presents for my wife.

S: Do you have anything particular in mind?

J: I'm afraid not. Have you got any suggestion'?

S: What do you usually give her?

J: I usually give her flower. But I'd like to get her something different this time.

S: What about jewellery? It's on sale today in our shop.

J: That sounds good. My wife is going to buy a pearl necklace.

S: OK. what about this one? It is made of 64 pearls that are absolutely identical in size and color.

J: How much does it cost?

S: The tag price is 880 yuan, but we're offering a 20% discount today. It's really a bargain.

J: How do I know the pearl is genuine?

S: This shop is well-known throughout the world. and any kind of goods is guaranteed.

J: OK, I'II have it.

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