

人气:230 ℃/2023-10-07 17:55:46



A good friend of mine is Li Sha. She has a shiny black head of long hair, habitual tied in a ponytail, small folds of the eyes, a small, but very intelligent.

She laughed eyes narrowed into a seam, like a crescent moon. Long slender eyebrows like a line. A pink cherry small mouth, very cute.

She is my turn to the understanding of the daxing road primary school, I saw her and others have a different feeling, feel like old friends to her. Because of her, like a good friend, I'vegradually we become the good partner share the joys and sorrows.

Once again, I play in the class, others carelessly rush to me, I felt very painful, glittering and translucent tears, flow down. Someone and others, together laughing, only Li Sha saw, liftme up. Whispered to me "no pain". Then take me to rest in the classroom. I am very touched, when she thought 'what difficulties I will not hesitate to help her. From that moment on, I wasdetermined to be no words don't talk with her good friend. Because friends helping each other


All say "friends go life", but I only go with her for ten years. Suddenly feel god is unfair, why let us go up to 10 years later, he let us apart? Think about it, this is not a punishment forme?

In elementary school, I envied her grades. Her composition is very good, and I? Running a paper, is in a mess; Her math is good also, though she always says she is a genius, but my mouth notto say in the mind still think so. In fact it is not. Composition is good because she has a lofty ideal: writer, now I still stay in situ, don't even know what is your dream, and how much moreis going to perform? In math, because she is our effort to pay one hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times... And I put down the bag, when I came back to watch TV. Step into highschool, I am always take me than with her mother, and my dad also "not weakness", when two people together to take turns bombing. I blame her, everything was transformed from envy jealousy andinferiority. Now think about, it is her fault? No! Is my bad, is the parents' education way wrong, all this with her it doesn't matter!


In elementary school, every day can be the road between school and home to see our back, two people holding hands, said, with a smile, street can attest, the roadside grass can testify. Inorder to pass the time, we also can play "idioms solitaire game!" But on the first day, I do not know whether into adolescence, I always complain, no freedom, what speed is too slow. Now free,speed is fast, but it is lonely, always feel less something similar, as there is no chicken, chicken with peanuts was no fruit in the fruit salad. Because she is a part of my life.

Her reading in jieyang. What her mother said, "eu there are not accustomed to, not used most is not I with she together." And I did not!

Now think about it, god is kind enough to me. Because he gave me a chance to wake up, did not let me continue to be wrong. Holidays, as long as she came back, we two are, of course, alwaystogether! If time could go back, I would like to return to that time, let the happiness to belong to us!








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