

人气:281 ℃/2024-03-26 22:50:54



AWhat did you do over the weekend?


BI went a global warming rally in London. It was fantastic to be around so many people who care about the environment.


ADo you think there's anything we can do to reverse the damage that's been done already?


BIt might not be possible to fix the problems that we've created for ourselves, but there are lots of things we can do to prevent more damages from happening.


ALike what?


BWell, we can use public transport instead of taking our cars for a start.


AWhat else can we do to protect the environment?


BIf you do have to drive, you should make sure that your car runs on unleaded petrol. Also, your home should use sources of renewable energy.


AHow about recycling? Does that actually help?


BYes. You should take your glass, paper, plastic, cardboard, and tin cans to a recycling center.


AWhat do you think is the biggest worry for our future?


BI think that the issue of greatest concern is having enough sources of clean water for everyone.


AI had no idea you were such as environmentalist before!


BTo be honest, in order for the earth to continue to be a habitable place, we're all going to have to become more interested in the environment.



杰克: I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution.


凯西: Yes, I agree. The air here is much more polluted than in my country. Of course, my country is more agricultural and has much less industry.


杰克: We have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years, but cars are still a major source of them. Factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution law have beenintroduced.


凯西: The problem is now on a truly global scale. I don`t believe that any single country can do anything about it.


杰克: I think you`re right. There needs to be an international response to this problem.??



A:Protection environment, everybody has a responsibility!

B:Me too , but also has how many people to have this consciousness!if our survival environment is destructed,the consequence can be imagined,but also lives gets down?

C:For ours life,we create a civilized Earth together!please you do notinjure the biology, you looked they all cried!

D:Therfore, for ouor's future, starts from the present,everyboby will take action together,we will create a happy tomorrow together!

A; is the environment a big issues in your country? It is in mine. B: it is in mine too. The biggest issue is water. The climate is dry and so water conservation is very important.

A: what methods do you use to conserve water?

B: water is rationed. We can only use a certain amount each month. It means that we cannot use some modern household items, like washing machines. They use too much water.

A: I see. I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution.

B: yes, I agree. The air here is much more polluted than in my country. Of course, my country is more agricultural and has much less industry. A: we have reduced emission of air pollutants inrecent years, but cars are still a major source of them. Factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution law have been introduced.

B: the problem is now on a truly global scale. I don’t believe that any single country can do anything about it.

A: I think you’re right. There needs to be an international response to this problem.

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