

人气:305 ℃/2023-06-20 05:50:36



At the beginning of the year, my sister and I went to the countryside next year. We came to the country's wife's house, my sister and I found a layer of snow on the ground, to fight the snowto battle. She took me while I did not care to pick up the snowball to me smashed over, I found that also picked up the snowball to her to drop, so she smashed over I hit the past to play veryhappy, and soon we have to go home, I and my sister were reluctant to leave.



Happy Spring Festival is coming, and I have a very interesting thing in the Spring Festival. The next morning in the New Year, the morning of the first day. I was awakened by the sound offirecrackers, I opened the hazy sleepy eyes, opened the window, wow! The day is white, the earth is white, and the trees and the houses are white. It was snowing. Later, I finished breakfast,my father said to take me and my sister to the West Lake "broken bridge snow" to play. I heard it, happy to jump three feet high We sat in the car first came to the "three Tam", in the "threeTam" on the front of the car. Walk away, walk away, and finally, from the "three Tam" on the "broken bridge residual snow."

But, not to say: broken bridge in the winter is not like "broken" the same? But today's broken bridge is ... ... However, it does not matter, I actually saw the "small strong hotline," thereporter! Really lucky ah! I ran over, in the corner eavesdropping. "Well, yesterday, a snow ... ..." But I was found, she said to me: "The children, you can not see ah! I will be nervous tospeak!" No way , Had to give up. Later, I saw someone in the snow on the grass to write, painting.

We also picked up the branches in the snow painted up, and my father was doing snowball, and then thrown into the West Lake. I just finished a "Happy New Year" title, but was uncle attacked.I also made a big snowball throw in the past, because I throw softball technology is not good, so let him get away. Then, Dad did two more snowballs than the "Kentucky Fried Chicken" wholebucket. The results were "by the news" reporter interviewed.





This is the Spring Festival we are in the country grandmother had. It was a quiet little village, was also playing a goose feather snow, as if the village was rushed to a layer of white coat.

The Spring Festival in the grandmother's most interesting thing is the New Year's Eve that day to eat dinner, elders fat old money. In that day, we talk about laughing at the grandmother'shouse, play fun, very lively.

At night, our family and grandmother grandmother sitting together at the table to eat together, said to go, as if there is endless words, after all, one year gone, naturally there will be alot of words to say.

After dinner, of course, is to see the Spring Festival Gala. Our family to keep in front of the TV to see this wonderful performance, comedy, songs, in the comedy, my favorite to see is"Jingke stabbing Qin", but unfortunately in this period, there is no small Shenyang and Zhao Benshan Of the appearance, which makes me very disappointed.

Yes, they have a habit, that is, New Year's Eve to twelve o'clock will color, put firecrackers.

It was a happy day.







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