

人气:497 ℃/2022-03-06 08:19:11

the greatest pride in the biggest inferiority complex that are the soul of the most powerless. -- spinoza

chester qualities of gas, should not belittle. -- zhuge liang

arrogance chan, is a human being. i met while chan wins, i do not know who the case of arrogance. -- shin yun habitat

-him-mei ming, guo qian, to prevent their bluff. -- zhu xi

proud of people like to see attachment of his people or his sycophancy, and obnoxious see a noble people. …… and the results of these people fooled him to meet his weak heart, he was a foolnongcheng by a madman. -- spinoza

proud of the people will inevitably jealousy, for the most to him by virtue of the people who praise it with the most jihen. -- spinoza

as painful and will see their inferiority complex is too low. -- spinoza

inferiority complex, though a proud and opposition, but the most close to it with pride. -- spinoza

obviously, pride and humility is just the opposite, but they have the same object. this object is the self. -- hume

i first asked zhu jun trust in science, i believe rational, to trust ourselves and believe in themselves. -- hegel

peel and respect their people is not good, respect for others and british columbia are also not good. -- hsu te-li

no one should have self-esteem, self-confidence, independence, or is the slave. but light is not self-esteem, self-confidence is not complacent and is not independent arc legislation. -- hsute-li

either the previous or others in their own separate, not to be done is despicable thing: the most important thing is self-esteem. -- pythagoras

there are two bad etiquette: the first one is niuni shy; second point is disorderly conduct and qingman; to avoid both situations, the only well below compliance with this rule is, do not lookdown on their own, and do not look down others. -- john locke

the most blind obedience is the only remaining slaves were the only virtues. -- rousseau

proud not only to impressive, not to make the pet granville. -- zhuge liang

sheng-bogey, bogey for a new, open only bogey. -- lu kun

high-risk study, thinking qianchong since grazing; fear for profit, then think of jianghai under the sea. -- wei zheng

好说has long is short, since the friend is the shorter length. -- shin yun habitat

with an open mind is not an ordinary so-called modesty, but on the surface to accept people"s views, nor is it without controversy with people without criticism, the boundaries of truth andnon-fuzzy, but must maintain its political position, when their opinions have not yet know when the others do not blind obedience. -- hsu te-li

1 minute 1 second kind of complacency in this sub-snap to stop the absorption of their own lives and the lives of excretion. only by accepting the spirit of criticism can excrete all the waste.only absorb other people"s views can add new spirit of ziyang pin. -- hsu te-li

true with an open mind, not their own prejudices, to complete the liberation of thinking, free from any restraint, to all take a realistic attitude to any concrete analysis of the situationreflects the views must be taken into account, not to tingbu jin. -- deng tuo 共3页,当前第1页123文章来源:unjs


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