

人气:245 ℃/2023-09-21 04:41:52



Good afternoon:

Ladies and Gentlemen,Today I will say something about my family love.

I remember when I was younger.

My family lived a simple life. We weren’t wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, but we were content with what we had。

Our first vehicle was an old broken-down bicycle. It provided us with transportation on many enjoyable weekends and holidays.

Mom sat on the back while Dad pedaled。 I, a mere toddler at the time, rode on the bar in front of him. It didn’t matter where we were going as long as we were going there together.


Good afternoon:

My mother is ordinary,but in my eyes she is special. My mother gave birth to me with difficult labor .During my growing up ,she took the best care about my body and education .When I wassick, my mother was always in every possible way to take care of me. When I failed the examination, the mother also encouraged me to refuel, not to become disheartened. Iignorance of the past,I always made her angry and thought of her as much too meticulous . But now I have grown up, I feel that I should have not been so naughty . I am so grateful to my mother for everything she hastaught me , I wish she could heart me at this time .


Good afternoon,everybody:

It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to make a speech for you.My topic is our class,our family.

I love my class very much!On one hand,I think we’re a struggling team,although we’re not the best class in study,we’re the hardest one.As far as I’m concerned,our classmates all like studyingvery much.On the other hand,we’re a unitive team.Take the military training for example,It is well known that military training needs good cooperation.And we did it,so we won the second prize.

This is our class,a harmonious class.

Okay,thats all for my speech.Thanks for listening.

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