

人气:203 ℃/2024-04-10 10:59:10




In today’s world of mobile phones, MPS players and mini computers, most people have at least one time-telling tool with them. Since these small machines are so common, will people stopwearing the 500-year-old watches?According to some people, yes. A teenager says its unnecessary to wear a watch. Many young people agree and use their mobile phones to tell time. Louis Galie, apresident, said that fewer young people wear watches today than five years ago.

However, watchmakers say that watches get popular again when people reach their 20s and 30s. By then, they want lo spend money on a nice time-telling tool which doesn't just keep good time.For this reason,the watch industry has become an accessory business 配件业in recent years.

Today's offer a lot of uses that meet the need of almost any personality 个性. They can be used as compasses 指南针,calendars, and even USB drives.

People are always trying their best to create new kinds of watches. A certain watchmaker business makes watches that don't even look like patches. Their popular model uses different colorlights to tell the time. Another watchmaker business, makes a “handless” watch, using a ring of circles to keep time. This watch makes people talk a lot about modern watches.

Whether a watch expresses fashion sense, creative ability or a love of sports, people want their time-telling tools to be beautiful, fashionable and practical. All in all,a watch has becomemore important than the time it tells.


76. Many young people agree that it's unnecessary to

77. When do watches get popular again according to watchmakers?




XI 根据所给提示完成句子每小题1分,共5分

81.Tom always tries to avoid ___________ answermy questions.

82.I like reading the novel _________writeby Mark Twain very much.

83.The girl was often heard ______________singhappily in her room.

84.Would you buy some beautiful clothes in ___________ 法国

85.Sorry, I took your umbrella ____________________ just now. 错误地

XII 基础写作。包括A、B两个部分,共计15分

A. 连词成句每小题1分,共5分

86. what, needed, it, exactly, was, I.


87. difficult, how, road, is, the, success, to !


88. used, be, he, to, of, afraid, a, speech, giving, public, in.


89. seems, many, it, that, world, people, drink, all, over, Chinese, the, tea.


90. you, could, me, tell, what, shirts, are, the, of, made?


B. 作文计10分

91. 课余活动可以调节我们忙绿的学习生活。你是如何支配闲暇时间的呢?看电视、做运动、听音乐、阅读报纸、郊游、帮助父母做家务,还是……

请以“My Free Time”为题,写一篇70 词左右的短文,描述一下自己的课余生活。要求意思连贯,语言通顺,字迹清楚。


②参考词汇:take exercise keep healthy do some reading have a good time


71---75. 略

76. wear a watch/wear watches

77. When people reach their 20s and 30s, watches get popular

78. watches

79. A watch has become more important than the time it tells. /All in all, a watch has become more important than the time it tells.

80. 人们一直在尽做大努力设计新型的手表。

81. answering 82. written 83. to sing 84. France 85. by mistake

86. It was exactly what I needed.

87. How difficult the road to success is!

88. He used to be afraid of giving a speech in public.

89. It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea.

90. Could you tell me what the shirts are made of?


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