

人气:173 ℃/2023-03-13 10:03:01



On the Internet, there are many unique languages that have become a feature of the Internet. What are these languages made of? Only people who surf the Internet often know about them, andonline newcomers only listen to the "foreigner" conversation.

Some of these online languages are represented by several English letters, such as "GG" and "MM", which refer to men and women respectively. There are some homonym, such as "886" means"bye-bye", "94" means "yes", etc. Some use pictures to represent their mood or their expressions, such as ":" to express their happiness. There are other things, such as "table", which means"dont", "newbie" means a beginner... This is a strange thing.

The rise of online language is conducive to the convenience of information transmission. Because of the simplification of the language symbols, for those who typed unfamiliar, the benefitswere not shallow.

However, young people dont understand the meaning of network language, is that they have the language barrier, and even make them unable to communicate, and has part of the network languageis a vulgar language, such as "BT" refers to "abnormal" and so on, in one clean and pure heart, wipe off the black spot. Therefore, there are also bad aspects of online language.

Now is the Internet age, the emergence of network language and frequent use have become the trend, is inevitable. These convenient languages have become a bridge for people to communicateonline. Therefore, we can only make the best of it: the relevant departments make relevant laws and regulations; Using computer technology, it is forbidden to "say" foul language; We should, ofcourse, observe the conventions of Internet civilization.

I believe, as long as through peoples efforts, this rich characteristic language must return to have a pure sky!


The Internet is indispensable in real life, it has become a part of peoples life. The Internet has both advantages and disadvantages, so let me say it.

In terms of interest, one: broaden your horizons. It also enriches the brain. 2: it is possible to communicate with each other, and one of the shortcomings of students is that they lackconfidence and can overcome obstacles on the Internet. Third, it can promote the development of adolescent personality. Can reduce the pressure of homework. Talk to your friends about yourworries. Four: can exercise writing pen, can have a sense of achievement. Five: can grasp the new education dynamic, the online test paper has everything, the student can choose freely.Teachers can also learn about new teaching methods.

There are three reasons for this. One: the Internet is just a virtual world. There are many pitfalls. For example, some unhealthy websites, high school students are not very good, only harmthemselves. 2: the Internet is full of aggression, abuse and lying. We can say what we want, without any responsibility! Its immoral not to think about other peoples feelings at all. 3:according to the law, under the age of 18 years of age is not allowed to enter net bar!

Every new thing comes with a variety of worries, from films in the 1920s to the popular music video games. The focus of concern is violence, pornography, decadence and so on. There is a thinline between good and bad. Often "a miss is as good as a mile." The same goes for the Internet. The boundary between profits and profits is a disadvantage.

As a student, I am for myself on the Internet. We need not only to relieve the pressure of study, but also to replenish our food supply. Admittedly, most of us surf the Internet for betterlearning. In this sense, the net is the advantages and disadvantages.

The network is illusory, it is progress. The Internet is good for the bad, its up to you.

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