

人气:359 ℃/2023-01-08 05:35:03




It was a clear, sunny day. The weather was beautiful.


The Buddha was walking through a forest when he saw a huge eagle chasing a dove. Just as the eagle was about to swoop down and catch it, the dove spotted the Buddha and went to his side forsafety. The Buddha protected it from the eagle. The eagle perched on a nearby branch and said, "You can save the dove, but that means you're starving me. You're really mean."


The Buddha kindly said, "Tell me what you want to eat, and I'll get it for you."


The eagle replied, "I eat meat."

于是佛陀拿出一把刀子,从他自己的手臂上割下一块肉。他把这块肉给了老鹰, 但是老鹰还是抱怨,“鸽子肉比这多多了。”因此,佛陀又从他的手上割下一块肉,但是已经快切到骨头了,肉更少了。最后他把整个手臂的肉都割了下来,但是仍然不如鸽子重。

The Buddha took out a knife and cut a piece of meat from the flesh of his own arm. He gave it to the eagle, but the eagle complained, "There's more meat on a dove than that." so the Buddhasliced off another piece from his arm, but he was getting down to the bone where there's not much meat. Finally he had cut all the meat off his arm, but there still wasn't as much as the weightof the dove.


The eagle asked the Buddha, "Are you sorry you've ruined your own arm?"


The Buddha answered, "I am not in the least bit sorry. My mission is to save all living things. What difference does a bit of flesh off my arm make?"


The eagle sneered, "You're just saying that to sound good."


The Buddha said, "If my words are the sincere truth, may my arm grow back as good as new." When the Buddha made this oath, the flesh on his arm did grow back, just like new.


When the eagle saw this, he flew up into the sky and revealed his true shape: he was the Emperor of Heaven! He had heard that the Buddha was kind, so he had come to test him. He showed hisdeepest respect to the Buddha and then flew away, singing great praises for the Buddha's mercy.


Before long, everyone knew that the Buddha had cut away his own arm in order to save a dove.



From a run-down old storefront came a hair-raising shriek followed by the sound of a body falling to the ground.


The neighbors came rushing in to find out what was the matter, and there in a pool of blood they saw the cow butcher Big Xu.


Blood was still flowing from his corpse. He died because his tongue had been cut out by his own butcher's knife. The whole neighborhood started gossiping about how he died.


This is what had happened. Big Xu made his living slaughtering cows. Every time before he killed a cow, he cut out its tongue and ate it with liquor. He didn't slaughter the cow until he hadfinished his grisly feast. Nobody knew how many cow's tongues he had eaten. Think how much it hurt the cows to have their tongues cut out!


That day, Big Xu stuck his knife in the door sill for a moment while he did something else. Just then he heard two big rats fighting on top of the door sill. He looked up to watch the fight.His mouth was open. The rats fought so furiously that they knocked the knife out of the door frame and it fell right into Big Xu's open mouth and chopped off his tongue. He fell down and died.


When the neighbors heard how Big Xu had died, they shook their heads and sighed, saying, "Big Xu didn't think a thing about killing an animal. He cut out the cows' tongues to eat with hisliquor, because he liked the taste. And in the end, two rats chopped off his tongue and killed him. They took his life just like he took those cows' lives. The Buddhists must be right when theytalk about cause and effect and your just deserts!"

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