人气:289 ℃/2023-08-07 20:43:07



第一篇: thnk第二篇: beleve can第三篇: beleve can!第四篇: thnk第五篇: beleve, try, wn更多相关范文


第一篇:好范 文站推荐: thnk


? ? ? ?~ um~

? ?~ um~

? ? ?

? ? ? ~

thnk love you~ ?~ cause mss you~ ? ? ? ? ? ?~ ’m fallng for you~ ? ~ now need you~ ? ? ? ? ?~ ? ? ? ?~ um~

? ? ? ?~

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ~

thnk love you~ ? cause mss you ? ? ? ? ? ?~ ’m fallng for you ? now need you ? ? ? ?~

? ? ? woo~ ? ? ?~~ hoo~ yeah~ ? ? ? ? ? ? ~~ hoo~

thnk love you~ ?~ cause mss you~ ? ? ? ? ? ?~ ’m fallng for you~ ? ~ now need you~ ? ? ? ? ?~

第二篇: beleve can

beleve can

good afternoon,every one. am wangme from class 103 of fnnancal management.t s a great pleasure for me to be here and share my topc wth you.then today , would lke to talk somethng aboutconfdence!

well goes an old songs:f can see t,then can do t.f just beleve t,there s nothng to t. beleve can fly. beleve can touch the sky. thnk about t every nght and day,spread my wngs and fly away.

however,beng confdence s by no means an easy thng.everyone should be aware that t s small thngs that really counts.here are a few tps.frstly,we should make frends wth polte.remenber,bengpolte costs nothng,but t s worth mllon dollars.secondly,we should develop a better relatonshp between

classmates,helpng and encouragng each other.not only does t makes us more confdence,but also t gves us a good chance to mprove our sklls.last but not least,faced wth dffcultes,we should nevergve up,but try our best to fnd a way out.

lfe can be hard,but f we have the courage and determnaton we wll be successful at last.beleve t or not,anythng s possble!

therefore,let us put our hands on our chest and promse the world: beleve can!

ok,thank you for lstenng,that s all!

第三篇: beleve can!

beleve can!

well as an old sayng goes, ’nothng s dffcult to a wllng heart.’ lke ths dctum not only because t sounds great but also t really passes on the gst of how we should be faced wth our lfe,especally n ths age full of competton. beleve everyone s equal. f others can do somethng well, thnk have no excuse to say no to them for can, of course, do them excellently, too. maybe, forthe tme beng, am not outstandng even lke an ugly duck, but hold a frm belef that my potental s unlmted. therefore, after years’ hard work wth

perseverance, wll fnally acheve my goal wth on doubt. there s a knd of man who wll never taste the sweet frut of success. he who doesn’t beleve hs ablty can get nothng even f he s ndeed fullof knowledge, because he has already been defeated by hmself nsde. so, how can he receve the challenge outsde? f want somethng, should beleve can make t. then wll put my whole heart nto t andlet nothng come between me and the thngs on hands tll the happy day arrves. beleve can!

第四篇: thnk










now mssyou,you see嘎卖吗个,







thnk loveyou …………………………………………………………扑挖要。那木来住亏带那里高,那木把住把路把兵带,哦也……



thnk loveyou …………………………………………………………扑挖要。

第五篇: beleve, try, wn

beleve, try, wn!

up tll now, the voce from my bottom heart cryng beleve am not a fool at all, beleve can catch up wth you one day, beleve can make t…for about 4 years, have been tortured by the fact that amnferor to large amounts of classmates n grades. frankly speakng, my best frends were accepted to huazhong unversty of scence and technology, wuhan unversty ,nanjng unversty and unversty ofscence and technology of chna. what a shame and rather acute sense of woe! however, there s no use to cry over the fact! to start wth, admtted that at frst was truly foolsh ,but as tme wentby, found that the root reason are the manners of studyng and mentalty.

who can assert what t wll be n the future? s t true that that famous unversty can decde one’s whole lfe? am due to be n arrears of them forever? ask myself agan and agan. wll spend 4 years nhube unversty of economcs, have never gven up wndng my way to succeed. usually struggle and remnd myself of the dsappontng fact! subsequently, make efforts to meet the mnmum standard made bymyself, whch ndcates that am approachng the fact wth a strong-wlled atttude. try to study hard, learn from dstngushed frends and confrm myself. n the pursut of tryng, overlooked other factorsn the expectaton that studyng cultural knowledge s the only am n the college. sometmes mssed the lunch and dnner breaks, rejected to contact wth others and was too depressve so that lookedhaggard and unhappy. worse stll, couldn’t fnd best frends. even though am more confdent, lost my happness n some extent.

an dea occurs to me that am supposed to learn seekng happness nstead of torturng myself besdes tryng to study hard. so, try to fnd out that there are beautes ncludng people and scene aroundme, that nspratonal moves can relax and spre me, that stll have a long way to go… try to confront weakness of myself to mprove myself and learn to make up for myself, after all, a good lookngreally counts. the bottom lne conssts not only n studyng cultural knowledge but also n leadng a worthy lfe.

at ths very moment, am proceedng to try somethng that s worthy of beng done. n that am confrmed n my belef that wll wn one day. actually , wn confdence, best frend and temperaments n lfe now.the ams that are made by myself after feelng my way conduct me to wn more n the future, whch are beng admtted to the debate team n englsh, the competton of mathematcal modelng and wuhanunversty or renmn unversty of chna.

am of the opnon that wnng s the most mportant n the modern socety, you may thnk am utltaran person though. t’s unversally acknowledged that no pans no gans. realze that am tryng day by day,am wnng a lttle day by day, n other words, step by step! n tme, am the wnner!










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