

人气:481 ℃/2023-12-14 02:56:49



I am a middle school student, when I said goodbye to the happy childhood, into the junior high school, my life is full of tension, warm, shortness of melody. In these days, I met a newfriend, she is my teacher.

She looks, add two stars like big eyes of black stones embedded in the face, high nose, long hair to her shoulders. She gave us the first time in the class, I feel she is so kind, so good.Her smile like with the spring breeze, so beautiful, so sweet, give a person a kind of comfortable feeling.

In learning life, she is my mentor, she in the class, two jiongjiongweishen eyes staring at us, she speaks clearly every problem, if we don't understand, she will be very patient to tell usagain, until we understand. Face don't understand the problem, she will and we discuss together, study together, not only make us have the interest in learning, and also let us get moreknowledge.

Remember to write a composition, I write very bad, just to pass the exam, the teacher wrote in my comments: write again, write carefully! After I watched, the in the mind secretly determinedto write a composition. I rewrote the essay, I wrote very carefully, after finish, I to the teacher, the teacher saw my composition, with a smile on her face, although my composition level isnot high, but the teacher gave me a lot of encouragement, let me have the confidence, study harder and harder. After a few weeks, write a composition again, my composition score much higherthan before, the encouragement is inseparable with the teacher, the teacher is really not the kui is my mentor.


My home with a lively and lovely, full of spiritual little turtle.

Remember the turtle when I first got to my house, courage small, I have to feed it to eat every day, it will hide in the cupboard, such as I walk away. It swiftly jumped out, can't wait toeat, and anyone who appears, it hastened to duck, hiding in the fort "iron", slowly, the little turtle began to big, daring climbing up and down, in the home every day is very sensitive, seehere, there to listen to, have caused us to tidy up thing behind it.

The turtle is the most notable fire-eyed big eyes, really is varied, colorful and varied. At ordinary times is egg yellow, became pink again at noon, evening turned yellow. The eyes, do notknow giving small turtles, how many beautiful |! Small and exquisite, its shell is always wet embellish, a danger to his head and limbs are indented shell, even if you sewn it also refused tocome out. Little turtle teeth are not sharp but often disruptive, mother also often clean sanitation, the turtle was so our family pets.


My friend is a boy, he is neither tall nor short, face is round, or a squadron member, he is ze-lin li. Ze-lin li has been my friends for years. A grade, I do sit at the same table with him,at that time, I always quarrel with him, I was so angry on both sides have nothing to say, or even want the teacher to change seats. Together, sometimes we will fight, and finally to tell theteacher office, then we all want the teacher to teach the other party, a whiff of the heart. But I gradually found his good points, he is very humorous, he worked as a friend and I, ourrelationship is more intimate. Later, we are not together do sit at the same table, but not our hearts apart, always thinking of each other, more profound friendship. Sometimes invited me toher home to play, before things seem to have forgotten.

Automatic lead ze-lin li often help others, sometimes, I did not have the lead, he will lend it to me, when I said to her tomorrow, she said: "it doesn't matter, should help the students."Although this is just a small lead, but it contains our friendship.

This is my friend -XXX. We are still in a class the classmate, though we may be apart, but I want to do a lifetime of good friends with him.

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