

人气:435 ℃/2023-05-02 00:12:55



一、 找出下列不同类的一项,填写在括号里。(10分)

1。A。drinking B。eating C。shopping D。hot

2。A。warm B。cool C。swim D。cold

3。A。stop B。right C。left D。down

4。A。fly B。class C。sleep D。cook

5。A。he B。she C。me D。I

二、 根据所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)

1。 My grandma usually________(cook)。

2。 Today my mother is_________(go) shopping。

3。 Now we are__________(help) Uncle Wang。

4。 What do you usually_________(do) on Sundays?

5。 Today he isn’t__________(play) football。

三、 根据词组的含义画出相应的图标。(10分)

1。go straight on

2。turn left

3。turn right

四、 根据答语选问句,抄写在横线上。(20分)


I like swimming。


It’s over there。


I live in Apple Street。


She is singing a song。


I usually ride my bike。

A。What do you usually do on Sundays?

B。What’s Amy doing now?

C。Where do you live?

D。Excuse me, where is the toilet?

E。What do you like doing in summer?


一. 抄写下列单词或句子(1‘×5=5’)

Aroud skip turn drink


Are you doing your homework?


二. 选择填空(1‘×5=5’)

1.What _____ the weather like? A.is B.are C.am

2. It‘s __________ Day. A.Children B.Children’s C. children‘s

3. She’s listening _______ music. A.in B.at C.to

4. Sam isn‘t tidying ________ room. A.her B.his C.he

5. Are you playing football? A.Yes,I’m not. B. No, I am. C. Yes,I am.


1.A.sunny B.hot C.hat

2. A.skipping B.sing C.flying

3. A.up B.down C.hill

4. A.zoo B.park C.room

5. A.swimming B.football C.basketball


1.May is doing her homework.

2. The boys are doing a dragon dance.

3.Is he watching TV?

4. The train is going past a hospital.

5.What‘s the weather like? It’s windy.


1. What are you doing? A.Yes,she is.

2. Is she listening to the radio? B.I live in Apple Street.

3. Are you doing your homework? C.I‘m tidying the room.

4. Let’s play hide-and-seek. D.Yes,I am.

5. Where do you live? E.OK.



1 ____ F______ 2. ____m _____ 3. ______v______

4. ____ Hh______ 5. ______ Ll ______ 6. ______Rr______


1. English blouse puppet bottle

2. I can see some monkeys.

3. Let‘s count the crayons.

4. I’d like a blouse

5. Let‘s keep the school clean!


1. 五只猴子______________ 2. 一辆吉普车______________

3.数鸡蛋 ______________ 4. 数学和音乐 ______________

5. 在沙发上______________


1.A. box B. bottle C. milk

2.A. on B. in C. open

3.A. book B. desk C. bed

4.A. where B. there C. what

5.A. father B. mother C. nurse

6.A. bread B. ruler C. pencil

7.A. dress B. can C. jacket

8.A. bear B. pear C. panda

9.A. spring B. winter C. T-shirt

10.A. peach B. banana C. rice

五、读上句,找下句, 在正确句子前面的括号里打√ (10分)。

1. What can David do? David can run. I can run.

2. What can you see? I see a duck. I can see a duck.

3. How are you? Thank you. Fine, thank you.

4. Do you like winter? Yes, I don’t. No, I don‘t.

5. What do you have? I have a doll. I have doll.。


1. Where’s the pencil? A. Twelve.

2. What can you see? B. I can see a bird.

3. How many? C. I‘d like a coat.

4. Can I help you? D. It’s in the box.

5. What colour? D. It‘s red.


1. is, where, plane, the, (?)


2. is, a, box, there, in, the desk, (。)


3. let’s, table, clean, keep, the(。)


4. do, have, what, you, lessons, (?)



1. TV 2. dress 3. plane

4. panda 5. two yo-yos 6. doll

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