

人气:417 ℃/2024-02-23 12:25:32




nature park

网 络nature park;natural park;Naturepark



The National Park Service calls this Idaho preserve "the only officially weird park" in the country.


Kanas Geological Park in northwest China expands to 9,000 square km, becoming the world's largest wilderness preserve and national park.


34Kanas Geological Park in northwest China expands to 9,000 square km, becoming the world's largest wilderness preserve and national park.


Unlike here in the States, where only small fragments of the Rockies are protected in national parks, a large portion of the Canadian Rockies is held in reserve as parks.


The Parco della Rocca Hotel sits in a natural park, from which it takes its name, and looks out on a beach that is among one of the most suggestive in the province of Ragusa.


There is a nature park in the city.


Another nature park has been built to raise more milu deer.


Make a tourism ad for a nature park or a mountain village.


There is a lake in the nature park.


There is a lake in the nature park.

1. Well, I'd recommend you the first natural park of China, Zhangjiajie. 好的, 我要给你推荐中国的第一个自然公园----张家界.

2. Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. 如今, 最大的自然公园熊猫在中国是在四川.

3. Then come spend a fun weekend at Guandu Nature Park. 周末时不妨到关渡自然公园一游吧.

4. Nature Park to forests as the main body, configuration landscape attractions. 自然公园以原始森林为主体, 配置景点景观.

5. Another nature park has been built to raise more milu deer. 又修建了一座自然公园以饲养更多的麋鹿.

6. Zoom : What a nice day! Let's go to a nature park! 多么好的一天 啊 !让我们去自然公园吧!

7. Make a tourism ad for a nature park or a mountain village. 作一个旅游广告给自然公园或一个山村.

8. The destination was a natural park, Malpa í s de G ü imar. 此行的目的地是个名叫马尔帕伊斯·德·桂玛的自然公园.

9. On his days off, he takes them to the nature park. 在他休假的日子, 他带他们去自然公园.

10. What a big nature park! 多么大的一个自然公园 呀 !

11. Is there a lake in the nature park? 有一个湖在自然公园里 吗 ?

12. There is a nature park in the city. 在城市里有个自然公园.

13. Look! There is a nature park. 瞧! 有一个自然公园.

14. Is it a nature park? 这是自然公园 吗 ?

15. Zhang: There's a nature park in the city. 张: 在这个城市有一个自然公园.

16. There is forest in the nature park. 在自然公园有个森林.

17. This, in turn, would provide everyone in the community with a valuableresource, a natural park. 这样相应地会提供给社区内所有人以一个有价值的资源, 一个自然公园.

18. No less than 35 per cent of the country is protected in the form of parks and nature sanctuaries. 该国多达35%的地区以公园和自然保护区的形式受到保护。

19. Here is the Earth's unique " war a natural ecological park. " 这里是地球独一无二的 “ 战争自然生态公园 ”.

20. Flower rock territory, Zhejiang, Forest Park and the tortoise holes NaturalBeauty. 境内有浙江省花岩森林公园和龟洞自然风景区.

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