

人气:370 ℃/2024-05-05 21:40:31



The shoemaker's adventure

A young shoemaker left his village. Along the way, he found some ants, who were very sad because a bear had destroyed their anthill蚁冢,人群密集的地方 . The shoemaker helped them rebuild it, and theants offered to return the favor.


The shoemaker followed his way and found some bees with the same problem as the ants. The young man also helped them, and the bees promised to help him in the future.


Further along, the shoemaker learned that the king’s daughter was in the castle of a witch巫婆,女巫 . The young man decided to rescue her. But the witch locked him up in a stinking发恶臭的,非常讨厌的dunge on with a sack of sand mixed with poppy罂粟 seeds and told him that if he wasn’t able to separate the two, she would cut off his head at dawn.


The young man thought about his death. But his friends the ants came and helped him pass the test. The witch was astounded. Then she took him to a room where there were thirteen maidens withtheir faces covered: the shoemaker had to discover which one was the princess.


The young man became discouraged but he saw a bee that landed on... the sweetest one, the true princess. When the shoemaker uncovered her face, the witch was changd into a crow乌鸦 . Theyoung people fell in love and lived surrounded by animals and poppies.



A liberal librarian should be liable for the library's safety. Mr. Hall was a high level qualified librarian. He had his license for 10 years. The days started to lengthen in March. Mr. Hallspent more time in the library. After work, he used lens to make telescopes. One afternoon, he heard some steps. He followed then found no less than three books were stolen. Mr. Hall moved alever to close the door first. Then he chased the thief, frightening him at the same time, "Stop or I will let off the gun!" He caught the thief with a cord but was surprised to find it was aboy. The boy cried, "Let go of my hand!" Mr. Hall let out the cord to let the boy loose. The boy let down his fist. His fear had already lessened. Mr. Hall let the boy in his office. The boyspoke in whisper lest Mr. Hall would blame him. He said he had not enough money for food, let alone books. Mr. Hall let out a sigh. He had a liberal mind. Compared with stealing money, stealingbook was the lesser evil. He said to the boy, "If you are a liar, you will let me down. Every one is liable to error when he is poor. I let you off this time. You hold no liability of damages."Mr. Hall liberated the boy from fear The boy gained his liberty. To his surprise, the liberal librarian even gave him some money! The boy left with grateful tears.



Diana was a chemical teacher. She taught her students something like lime could be obtained by burning limestone. One night she saw a dog lie under a tree when she was passing by. It was tooweak to lift its limp paws. It was likely to be hurt by the fallen limb. Diana knew her limitations. In the light of her mother's comments, her love had no limit. In fact, there was muchlikeness between her mother and her. Diana held the dog in her arms. The dog licked her hand. Its head touched her shoulder lightly. Diana went to a hospital. Only a limited number of hospitalswere available to animals. A full moon lightened their path to the hospital. The doctor said the problem lied in its forelimb and it would not die. Diana's heart lightened when she heard it.Two weeks later, the dog could walk with a limp. One day, there was some likelihood of rain. In a lift, Diana met a man who asked her if she had a cigarette lighter. The man approached her andsuddenly he took out a dagger, "Give me your purse!" Just then, the dog jumped at a lightning speed. It bit his wrist. The man cried and rushed out of the lift. Diana would remember this duringher lifetime. The dog cast light on her of its love. The dog never lied, and it even saved her from danger. When they returned home, to reward the dog, Diana lifted the lid of the lot and tookout a big bone for him.


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