

人气:399 ℃/2023-09-26 01:34:22




A boy was wondering about a photograph in a newspaper. It showed a group of happy and cheering children carrying schoolbags with the caption at the bottom: "On Their Way To School''.

"It must be mistaken, I bet. They must be on their way home after school. I'm sure of this." the boy concluded.




I hung him up to dry

Jim and Mary were both patients in a Mental Hospital. One day while they were walking by the hospital swimming pool, Jim suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom. Marypromptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled Jim out.


When the medical director became aware of Mary's heroic act he immediately reviewed her file and called her into his office.


"Mary, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged because since you were able to jump in and save the life of another patient, I think you've regained2 yoursenses. The bad news is Jim, the patient you saved, hung himself with his bathrobe belt in the bathroom,he's dead."


Mary replied, "He didn't hang himself, I hung him up to dry."



What time is it now?

The two boys were camping in the backyard. When they couldn't figure out what time it was, the first boy said to the second, "Start singing very loud."


"How will that help?" said the second boy.


"Just do it," insisted the first.


Both boys broke into song, singing at the top of their lungs. Moments later, a neighbor threw open her window and shouted, "Keep it down! Don't you know it's three o'clock in the morning?"




How could anyone stoop so low?

Our manager at the restaurant where I worked was a much beloved, jovial man. But there was one subject you didn't dare discuss in front of him -- his height. Or, should I say, his lack of it.One day, he stormed through the door and announced angrily, "Someone just picked my pocket!" Most of my fellow waitresses and I were speechless, except for the one who blurted out, "How couldanyone stoop so low?"







The notorious1 cheap skate finally decided2 to have a party. Explaining to a friend how to find his apartment, he said, "Come up to 5M and ring the doorbell with your elbow. When the dooropen, push with your foot."

"Why use my elbow and foot?"

"Well, gosh," was the reply, "You're not coming empty-hangded, are you?"




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