

人气:366 ℃/2024-06-17 11:09:35


1:Steer a boat dexterously

Once Yan Yuan asked his mentor Confucius why those who are good at swimming or diving can learn how to steer a boat very quickly.

Confucius said, "It is because those who are good at swimming do not fear water when they are in it. Those who are good at diving regard abysms深远 just as land and hills. They can handle anydangerous situation with ease. This kind of people is undaunted勇敢的 at any place. In gambling, when person chips in his tiles he sometimes wins. When he chips in hissliver hook, his mind is indread. When he chips in his gold, he feels dizzy and has fear in his mind. This is because he values worldly possessions too much Thus, those who think too much of worldly possessions must haveclumsy thoughts."



2:A crooked tree

There was a dense forest. And all the trees were straight and tall. Their trunks were broad and shapely. But, there was one tree which had a crooked and shapeless trunk.

The crooked trunk tree was sad. He thought, "How ugly I am! All the others are straight and shapely. I alone have a crooked trunk."

One day a wood-cutter came to the forest. He looked around and said, "I will cut all the trees here, except that crooked tree. That one is of no use to me."

And so, he cut away all the other trees. Now, the crooked tree understands that being different has its advantages.


这棵树干弯曲的树很难过。他想,“ 我长得真丑!其他的树都又直又有型,只有我,长得曲里拐弯的。”

有一天,有一个伐木者来到这片森林。他环望四周,说道:“ 我要把这里的树砍光,除了那颗弯曲的树。那棵树没啥用处。”


3:Fat Fox and Striped Leopard

Both the fat foxes and the beautifully striped leopards inhabit in forests, and stay in caves having a tranquil平静的 life.

They only come out at night and during the daytime they stay in caves vigilantly警惕地. Even if they are very hungry and thirsty, they only go to unfrequented places to look for food. Theynever go beyond their bounds to compete with human. But they still cannot survive the hunter's traps and snares. What fault do they have? It is just the misfortune brought by their beautifulfurs and pelts.









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