

人气:297 ℃/2023-03-27 01:39:29










this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to learn Chinese.Please recommend a university to him.You should write at least 120wordsbut no more than 180words.



Dear Mike,

It has been several weeks since we last met. How are you doing? I recently saw on your Facebook that you had decided to come to China to learn some Chinese, and therefore I’m writing tostrongly recommend to you my university, Shanghai Language School.

There are several reasons for my recommendation. First of all, my university is good at language teaching and training, so you will have the best language teaching quality. Also, myuniversity is in Shanghai. You can improve your Chinese by talking with local people, but more importantly, you can learn Chinese with many other foreigners together because Shanghai is aninternational city. Finally, my school also teaches Chinese culture. You can never speak a language well without knowing the country’s culture.

I hope that my recommendations can help you, and I wish to see you in Shanghai soon.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Mike,

It has been several weeks since we last met. How are you doing? I recently saw on your Facebook that you had decided to come to China to learn some Chinese, and therefore I’m writing tostrongly recommend to you my university, Shanghai Institute of Languages.

There are several reasons for my recommendation. First of all, as the name of my university indicates, she specializes in language teaching and training, and hence teaching quality can beguaranteed. Again, it can be easily inferred that my university is located in the most international city in China – Shanghai, where you can not only find millions of natives to practice yourChinese speaking and listening skills with, but meet tens of thousands of visitors from various countries, who are either traveling or working in Shanghai, and exchanging Chinese learningexperience with them will be mutually beneficial. Finally, SIL also pays a lot of attention to the teaching of culture, the context in which people use a language.

I do hope that my recommendation will be of help to you, and wish to see you in Shanghai soon.

Yours sincerely,


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