

人气:291 ℃/2022-01-20 09:01:53



Time, such as water generally hurried away, looking back, in this colorful season, I have made some achievements in the coming days, I hope I can do better.

First, political and ideological. I earnestly study the party's line and principles, policies, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the party and the country's education policies, principles, educationallaws and regulations to continuously improve their ideological quality and political theory.Always adhere to the overall situation, subject to organizational arrangements, dry line love linenever speak of price, although he is a chef, I never think inferior, always with their own practical action to grasp the kitchen management work. To ensure that the food and beverage departmentproduced the normal work of the transfer.

Second, the work, I served as the base of the Reclining Buddha catering department and kitchen cost control work.

First of all to ensure that meals never fail mistakes and technical skills to continuously improve their cooking techniques. In practice, I continue to explore, according to the Guilin areaof food and drink, and constantly improve their cooking techniques, the preparation of multiple sets of features of the recipes, so that trainees and guests can eat sweet and delicious meals.So that the central staff to eat the satisfaction of life at ease. Second, I pay close attention to several aspects in the canteen management. First, the good canteen of raw materials purchase,I am not afraid of the road, into the market, shop around, buy a variety of nutritious food ingredients to ensure affordable, so that the central staff to eat well, eat healthy. The second isto ensure that food and raw materials do not rot, do not degenerate, not waste, saving canteen expenses, to ensure cost control. Third, to ensure that meals on time, make the kitchen logisticalpreparations for the new staff in July 2012 during the successful completion of the Center and the Ministry of catering tasks, the center leadership and recognition of the various departments.

Third, in life, I advocate a simple life, to develop good habits / and decent style. In addition, the concept of time attaches great importance. As approachable and friendly people, it hasbeen with people is very harmonious. Dare to work hard will be with me to meet new challenges in the future. Pay attention to learning, develop a good habit of reading newspapers. Concernedabout current affairs, concerned about national affairs, so clear-headed, not behind the situation.

Cooking is a very practical process, can not grasp overnight, but as long as I read the volume, carefully, and according to figure, serious imitation, will be able to get the true meaning ofcooking skills, I have learned to learn. With the basic skills of different materials, different cooking methods, different shapes and tastes, we can produce excellent, fragrant and flavor bychanging each other. , Shape, quality, all the best dishes to point. I will be more strict demands on themselves, to correct shortcomings, carry forward the advantages.


I cook a number of high-end restaurants and large enterprises canteen, a wealth of cooking experience and management experience, understand the overall operation of the kitchen posts, andpost work arrangements, according to the price of vegetables to control costs, to make the best use, Good at Cantonese cuisine, followed by Sichuan, Hunan, steaming, stew, stew, fried and soon. Can independently complete the purchase of raw materials to finished dishes from the work. Cantonese dishes taste, salty sweet, slightly spicy, pay attention to fresh spicy Xiangcong crisp,the choice of material wide-odd odd complex, birds and animals snake worms can be into the dishes.

I learned from the long, innovative, flexible use, with the needs of the guests to go route, the introduction of safety, health, nutrition, key health, delicious dishes, I served as the hotelchef, responsible for luxury dishes produced, responsible for Guide the kitchen work to ensure quality, the emergence of the kitchen note of the various problems, so that the entire productiondepartment of normal operation. Responsible for the adoption of customer feedback, to timely improvement and mediation work. Responsible for the development of new dishes.

I am optimistic and confident, love cooking, "not the best, only better," the pursuit of modern kitchen pioneer. Safety, health, nutrition, health, delicious dishes pioneer.


Creative, hardworking, and dedicated professional, with exceptional knowledge in baking and pastry arts, gained through successful completion of the Diploma of Excellency program in ClassicPastry Arts at The French Culinary Institute, New York City. Well-educated and equipped with thorough understanding of practical baking methods along with artistic decorating skills obtainedthrough study at a fashion institute. Personable with a strong work ethic and expertise in completing tasks in an efficient and timely manner. Detail-oriented with proven effectiveness tomultitask in competitive, high-impact, and fast-paced environments while juggling multiple priorities simultaneously.

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