

人气:322 ℃/2023-10-17 19:55:09



That is the story of an orphanage in Vietnam, due to aircraft bombarded with a bomb was thrown into the orphanage, many children workers were killed, and some children were wounded, includingone of the girls is very heavy.

Fortunately, a medical team came to this later. But the team only two female doctor, the doctor soon for first aid, but the little girl needs a blood transfusion, but they don't have suitableplasma. Finally the doctor decided to use local materials, they found that there are several children's blood type and the little girl. But the problem appeared again, the doctor can only speaka little Vietnamese. But the presence of the children can understand Vietnamese.

Doctors try to understand yourself with a gesture to tell them: "your friend injury is very heavy, need you to give her blood transfusion!" No children didn't say a word, raised his hand andsaid they want to! Suddenly, a small hand up slowly, but slowly put down again. A while up again, never put down!


I have a good friend, her name is Xie Ru. Xie Ru a pair of big eyes. A small mouth, a round face. Very flattering. Xie Ru is not only my good friend or my team leader.

Xie Ru not because he is leader in the home, study well and appear too. Remember that time, I finished my homework. Went to play Xie Ru. Just as I was to Xie Ru door, was shocked. I saw XieRu is struggling with a lot of clothes to wash. Xie Ru head sweat seeping layer. I want to go out to play. My name is Xie Ru she must go. So I will call her. Thought she said Janice, you go andplay! I also wash his clothes! You go first to find someone else to play for a while I go to find you back? "I said quietly:" I will do it for you? "She looked at me said:" would you? "" cannot learn? "I told Xie Ru. Before I did. I want to wash the clothes will be very tired, so he took off coat and began to wash. Wash I don't understand of ask Xie Ru:" Xie Ru why do you want towash his clothes, and your mother-in-law can not wash? "Unexpectedly Xie Ru said:" the mother-in-law who is old, because this should have a good life, but in order to children can have a goodday, later again care grandson many famous ah, my granddaughter door do more consideration for the following. I regret hearing Xie Ru. See Xie Ru already washed many clothes, but I was not avery shy, Xie Ru see I haven't wash a clothes, he said: "sena, I teach you to wash clothes." I say: "good." so I followed the Xie Ru study. Soon I learned.

I think and Xie Rucheng good friends, and it is so lucky, she let me know a lot of truth, understand many things.


I have a good friend, she is called lingling. 11 years old this year, with students, intense has a pair of small eyes, small mouth like a cherry. Wearing a blue dress.

Lingling excellent academic performance, or a bar!

Lingling special love to help classmates. Once, in order to help the old woman go home, she even didn't eat lunch.

Lingling also love to protect the environment, on one occasion, she and I go home together, on the road, a brother, littering, ignore me, and lingling is to stop brother throw garbage, andhurt himself.

I want to learn from lingling!

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