

人气:194 ℃/2021-07-28 02:06:11



Alongwith the widespread of the Internet, there have appeared many online romances.The lovers meet and date on the Internet and finally fall in love with eachother. Just as the saying goes:"so many people, so many minds. "It's quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person.


Somepeople claim that online love is very romantic and exciting. It is an amazingthing because the Internet brings two strange persons far away from each othertogether. Moreover, they thinkthat online romance, compared with the realisticlove, have much appeal to each other in spirit and involves less material conditions.However, others hold that the Internet is a virtual world,in which real andenduring love can possibly exist since it is very difficult to tell the realfrom the fake through the Internet. Besides, they maintain that online romanceis sometimes verydangerous because there are many cheaters on the net.


Asfar as I am concerned, it is an easy and fast way for people to make new friendson the Internet. However, people should have safety consciousness when makingfriends on the Internet. Don'tgive out rashly your personal information tostrangers on the net. Moreover, bear in your mind that you should get moreknowledge of each other before starting a romance.



cyber-love is neither good nor bad. As we all know, every coin has two sides. So does cyber-love. It also has its merits as well as demerits.

As for me, I would rather pour my love to someone whom I can see, speakto, stay with than a virtual person in the invisible cyber world. The cyber-love is usually based on people simagination instead of the reality. Consequently, it seems as beautiful and sweet as a red red rose in people s mind. However,it is quite frail without the nutritious earth around it. Therootless rose is likely to die someday.

So don t stake all your pure love on cyber-live, which isuncertain and beyond your control at times.





As the Internet has been widely developed, searching the Internet has been part of our life. We use the Internet to communicate with friends and make new friends, as the way to know somebodybecomes easy, people like to make friends through computer. Often two strangers know through Internet, they talk for a while and feel it is so comfortable to chat.

So they develop their love relationship on the Internet. Such phenomenon is so common today. It has been reported that many teenagers addicted in love affair in the Internet, some of them gethurt while they met with the other. As the two strangers never meet, what they told each other is always not true, one of them may be bad guy, he may in want of money, meeting them is verydangerous.

Teenagers are the main victims of the love affair online, because they are so young and innocent, teenagers should take care with it.




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