

人气:408 ℃/2023-03-18 05:03:15




① 六级阅读词汇量: 5795词

② 六级阅读复用词汇量: 3000词

③ 六级阅读词汇考查规律——同义替换找出答案位置;得出正确答案

eg:The success of Bill Gates and other non-MBAs, such as the late Sam Walton of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. , has helped inspire 激发self-conscious debates 辩论on business school campuses over theworth of a business degree and whether management skills can be taught.

问题:It seems that the controversy 争论over the values of MBA degrees has been fueled 推动mainly by .


eg:Berger suggests several methods for reducing uncertainties about others: watching, without being noticed, a person interacting with others, particularly with others who are known to you soyou can compare the observed person’s behavior with the known others’ behavior; observing a person in a situation where social behavior is relatively unrestrained or where a wide variety ofbehavioral responses are called for; deliberately structuring the physical or social environment so as to observe the person’s responses to specific stimuli; asking people who have had or havefrequent contact with the person about him or her; and using various strategies in face-to-face interaction to uncover information about another person ——questions, self-disclosures and so on.

※ 注意长难句的语法分析!

To say that the child learns by imitation and that the way to teach is to set a good example oversimplifies过渡简单化. 请找出本句的谓语动词

constable n.******

※ 尽量多的掌握同一单词的词性和意思!

① 长难句的类型:

a、双重否定类:not 、no 、hardly 、seldom 、never 、little 、few 、small 、de- 、dis- 、un- 、in- …

eg:There are probably no questions we can think up that can’t be answered, sooner or later, including even the matter of consciousness.

b、分词做状语类:主干,现在分词 / 过去分词

eg:Motivated in part by Christian compassion for the helpless as well as a practical political impulse to undercut the support of the socialist labor movement, Chancellor Bismarck created theworld’s first worker’s compensation law in 1884.


eg:The theoretical separation of living which for many years has been used in town-and-country planning, has in my opinion resulted in disproportionate attention for forms of recreation farfrom home, whereas there was relatively little attention for improvement of recreative possibilities in the direct neighborhood of the home.

△ 主语被定语从句修饰的句子,往往第二个动词才是谓语动词!

※ 先找出定语从句部分,跳出从句,抓住主干再解题!

d、倒装句类:only / not only / nor / neither …

eg:Along with them goes social mobility活动性, ambition 抱负to rise in the urban 都市的world, a main factor in bringing down the births in Europe in the nineteenth century.

※ 分析词性找出谓语与主语,将主语调至谓语之前再理解文章



① 六级文章长度: 每篇约350—420个单词

② 六级考试要求: 35分钟内读完1400个单词

③ 六级阅读速度要求: 70个单词 / 分钟

※ 六级阅读官方基本要求:






① 学会“跳读”:

△ 一篇文章读懂70%内容就已足够


b、判断是否为“观点”的标准:Ⅰ、语句的位置是否靠前 Ⅱ、用语是否抽象概括


d、需要跳过的内容:Ⅰ、内的和——内的内容 Ⅱ、人名后的修饰

② “泛读”练习:

a、泛读材料的标准:Ⅰ、原版的稍简单的英文材料 Ⅱ、国内杂志的英文材料

b、三步阅读法:Ⅰ、浏览文章,抓住大意 Ⅱ、猜测单词含义 Ⅲ、精读文章,读懂文章

③ 学会“猜词”:

a、单词的猜测范围:Ⅰ、词性 Ⅱ、感情色彩 Ⅲ、所处语境 Ⅳ、所搭配的介词

eg:In most cases, offensive 侵犯性的breath 口臭emanates from bacteria 细菌in the mouth, although there are other, more surprising causes.

问题:The phrase “emanates from ” in Paragraph 1 most probably means “ ”.

A、thrive on B、account for C、originate from 引发 D、descend from



① 猜测的线索:


eg:原文:…,when the state makes its most powerful demands upon its people for their commitment托付, allegiance忠诚, and supreme sacrifice最高的牺牲行为.

问题:The word “allegiance ”most probably means .

A、loyalty B、objective C、survival D、motive


原文:But sharing the family home requires adjustments for all. There are the hassles 争辩over bathrooms, telephones and privacy.

问题:The word “hassles ” most probably means .

A、quarrel B、worries C、disadvantages D、agreements


原文:Beauty has always been regarded as something praiseworthy. Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and healthier, have better marriage and have more respectable occupations.Personal consultants give them better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attractive defendants. But in executive circle, beauty can become a liability劣势;责任;债务.

问题:The word “liability ” most probably means .

A、misfortune 不幸B、instability不稳定 C、disadvantage D、burden 负担


① 细节题的理念:



eg:原文:A few common misconceptions误解. Beauty is only skin-deep. One’s physical assets 资产and liabilities don’t count all that much in a managerial career. …

问题:According to the passage, people often wrongly believe that in pursuing a career as a manager .

A、a person’s property or debts do not matter much

B、a person’s outward appearance is not a critical 批判的;关键的qualification

C、women should always dress fashionably

D、women should not only be attractive but also high-minded


eg:问题:36、During the years from 1957 to 1976 , the birth rate of the United States .

37、What influences the birth rate most in the United States is .

38、The sentence “From costing nothing, children suddenly come to seem impossibly expensive.” Line 4, Para. 2 implies that .


eg:问题:The author ends the passage with the implication that .

b、☆ 同义替换:

c、干扰项:Ⅰ、偷梁换柱 十同一不同 Ⅱ、他出细节 定位发生偏差

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